Other arrangements

While the European Union (EU) is widely known for its extensive trade agreements with countries and regions around the world, it also engages in a variety of other arrangements that promote economic, political, and social cooperation. These arrangements go beyond traditional trade deals, aiming to foster stronger ties and mutual benefits between the EU and its partners.

Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM)

One notable example is the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM), which establishes a framework for preferential rules of origin between the EU and countries in the Mediterranean region. PEM aims to facilitate trade and economic integration by enabling diagonal cumulation of origin. This means that materials originating in one partner country can be processed or further developed in another, and still benefit from reduced tariffs when imported to the EU. The arrangement promotes supply chain flexibility and fosters closer economic ties between the EU and partner countries in the Mediterranean basin, as well as countries in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Western Balkans.

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