Goods produced with conservation rules

This page serves as a reference document only for EU-wide product requirements. Extra requirements may apply depending on the destination EU country. Please refer to My Trade Assistant for full details.

Please be aware that in this page, general description of each heading is provided in all EU languages. However, the details are only available in English.

Import restrictions on Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) and fluorinated greenhouse gases

Ozone-depleting products

With the aim to protect the environment, imports of products and equipment containing ozone-depleting substances (ODS) into the European Union are prohibited. This ban applies to imports from any country, whether or not party to the 1987 Montreal protocol on ODS.

Ozone-depleting substances

In view of protecting the environment, imports of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are only authorised to enter the European Union (EU) if they fulfil certain conditions.

Prohibition of products containing fluorinated greenhouse gases

The placing on the market of certain products and equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases is prohibited in order to reduce the emissions of the fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol.

Marketing requirements for paints and varnishes

Paints and varnishes must comply with the marketing requirements designed in order to prevent the negative environmental effects of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Marketing of products containing fluorinated greenhouse gases

The marketing of products and equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases is subject to provisions concerning, among others, market prohibitions, labelling requirements, reporting of information and registration obligations.


Endangered species protection (Fauna and Flora)

CITES - Endangered Species Protection

Imports of species covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) are subject to a double-checking system including export and import controls both at the country of origin and at the EU designated points of entry

Statistical monitoring of trade in bigeye tuna and swordfish

Imports of tuna and swordfish are only allowed if the cargo concerned is accompanied by the statistical importation document. The aim of the measure is to preserve the affected species.

Catch documentation scheme for bluefin tuna

Imports of bluefin tuna are subject to a catch documentation scheme intended to identify the origin of all bluefin tuna in order to regulate stocks of this species, to improve the quality and reliability of statistical data and to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal fishing.

Catch documentation scheme for Dissostichus spp

Imports of Dissostichus spp (commonly known as toothfish) must be accompanied by a catch document in order to implement the monitoring measures of the CCAMLR (Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources)

Import requirements for seal products

Imports for commercial purposes of fur skins of whitecoat pups of harp seals and pups of hooded seals, and articles made thereof, are prohibited. Imports of some specific products of this kind may be allowed if they comply with certain requirements.

Control on illegal fishing

Imports of certain fishery products are controlled in order to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU)

Control on illegal timber and timber products

Imports of illegally harvested timber and their derived products are prohibited.

Flegt licensing scheme for imports of timber

Imports of timber products exported from countries implementing this voluntary scheme are prohibited unless the shipment is covered by a FLEGT licence


Control of production and postproduction processes using dangerous substances

Marketing requirements for batteries and accumulators

In view of the amount of dangerous substances they contain and in order to protect the environment, the placing on the market of certain batteries and accumulators is prohibited.

Marketing requirements for electrical and electronic equipment

The use of certain hazardous substances is restricted in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) placed on the EU market. Manufacturers and importers of these products have responsibility regarding waste management, particularly for the promotion of reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of such waste.

Radioactive products

Imports of radioactive products are severely restricted in order to preserve environment and public health from radioactive risk.


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