Online tools and services for smaller businesses

Online tools and services for smaller businesses

Services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Information on trade fairs

  • Information on Trade Fairs in Germany and worldwide provided by the AUMA Trade Fair Database by the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, with details on the events such dates, distribution data, statistics and information on how to contact the trade fairs and event organisers.

SME Chapters in Trade Agreements

All new trade agreements will include an SME Chapter if the partner country agrees. This would allow for a better information exchange on market access issues and fruitful collaboration between the Commission and the partner country in addressing SMEs-related issues in the trade agreement.

SME Chapters may, amongst others, be found in the following trade agreements:

The Joint Committee of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) agreed in a specific SMEs Recommendations that each Party should provide SMEs of the other Party with online information about CETA and market access, and that an SME Contact Point on each side should work together to tackle SMEs specific issues.

How to contact us

If you have a specific question on SMEs, market access or information on this website, please use the contact form.

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