Company stories

In this section you will find a selection of stories and experiences from companies about the use of the information on this portal for their businesses.

  1. Making Central America cool again

    Watch how Dutch heating and cooling solutions are driving green building in Panama thanks to EU trade agreements.

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  2. Trade agreement reinforces relations with South Korea

    Watch how German fibre-reinforced plastic manufacturer Optiplan has boosted its exports to South Korea thanks to the EU-South Korea trade agreement with the elimination of customs duties and simplified shipping documents.

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  3. Paperless procedures for paper manufacturer

    Watch how simplified and more transparent procedures opened up a new market for Finnish recycled paper manufacturer Finha Trading thanks to the EU-Moldova trade agreement.

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  4. EU agreements make light work of heavy lifting

    Watch how Irish forklift truck manufacturer Combilift has benefitted from the EU trade agreement with South America to increase their exports and grow their business in Peru.

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  5. Mining for success in Japan

    Bulgarian stone supplier, Marin Baturov, enjoys faster customs and streamlined paperwork when exporting to its Japanese clients thanks to the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.

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    Mining for success in Japan
  6. Powering a Sunnier Future

    Read about how ML System is bringing their solar technologies to the world with the help of EU Trade Agreements.

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    Powering a Sunnier Future
  7. Less red tape, more time to innovate

    Read about Czech company, Workswell, and how they make 50% of their sales to non-EU countries, mainly under the EU trade agreements.

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    Less red tape, more time to innovate
  8. Trade agreement opens doors in Kazakhstan

    See how EU trade deals have helped Dutch company, InterDam, become an international supplier of blast-proof walls and doors

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    Trade agreement opens doors in Kazakhstan
  9. Trade deals are always a sweetener

    Read how Greek business, Stevia Hellas, can compete on price in foreign markets thanks to the EU trade agreements

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    Trade deals are always a sweetener
  10. Cruising for success in international markets

    Read how Hungarian company, Asura Technologies, is going global with its traffic solutions

    Go to this company story page
    Cruising for success in international markets

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