EU-Türkiye Customs Union
Are you interested in importing products from Türkiye? This section helps you understand the EU’s customs union with Türkiye.
At a glance
The Customs Union with Türkiye has been in force since 1995 and is based on the 1963 Ankara Agreement and its Additional Protocol (1970). It foresees
- free movement between the two parts of the customs union for the goods covered which are either wholly produced or put in free circulation after their importation from third countries in either Türkiye or the EC
- alignment of Türkiye with Community common customs tariff, including preferential arrangements, and harmonisation of commercial policy measures
- approximation of customs law, in particular through Decisions of the Customs Co-operation Committee (e.g. Decision No 1/2001) and mutual assistance in customs matters
- approximation of other laws (intellectual property, competition, taxation, ...)
- preferential agreement on agriculture (rules of origin)
Trade in Goods
The Customs Union covers exclusively
The Customs Union does not cover
- agricultural products, as defined in Annex I of the Amsterdam Treaty. These are subject to Decision of 1998 on the trade regime for agricultural products
- coal and steel products, as covered by the European Coal and Steel Treaty. These are subject to the European Coal and Steel Community - Türkiye Agreement on a free trade area for products covered by the ECSC.
- zero customs duties and zero quotas for goods covered by the customs union
- check-out the tariffs for your specific product originating from the EU and exported to Türkiye using My Trade Assistant
- check-out the tariffs for your specific product originating from Türkiye and exported to the EU using My Trade Assistant
Rules of origin for goods covered by the EU-Türkiye Customs Union
- there is no derogation to the principle of territoriality and no accounting segregation.
- there is a prohibition of drawback but a special provision allows Türkiye to apply, to this end, the Community rate of duty applicable to the non-originating materials used, when this rate is lower than the Turkish one.
- rules applicable to industrial products
- rules of origin for coal and steel products – bilateral and diagonal cumulation applies
- rules of origin for agricultural products – bilateral and diagonal cumulation applies
Check the rules of origin that apply to your specific product via My Trade Assistant.
Product requirements
Technical rules and requirements
- learn about the technical requirements, rules and procedures that goods have to meet in order to be imported in the European Union
- search for the specific rules and regulations applicable to your product and its country of origin in My Trade Assistant. To view requirements for your product you will first have to identify its customs code. If you do not know the customs code, you can search for it with your product's name in the built-in search engine
Health and safety requirements SPS
- learn about the health, safety, sanitary and phytosanitary standards that goods have to meet in order to be imported in the European Union
- search for the health, safety and SPS rules applicable to your product and its country of origin in My Trade Assistant. To view requirements for your product you will first have to identify its customs code. If you do not know the customs code, you can search for it with your product's name in the built-in search engine.
Custom clearance documents and procedures
Goods that are wholly obtained or produced in the customs union or which have been put into free circulation in the customs union can circulate anywhere in the territory of the customs union, as long as they are accompanied by the proof of their customs status, established by an A.TR. movement certificate.
- find out about other custom clearance documents and procedures needed to import into the European Union
Intellectual Property and Geographical Indications
- find out more about IP and GI legislation in the EU, as well as EU IPR policy in trade
Trade in Services
- find more information about the rules, regulations and facilities for trade in services
Public Procurement
- find general information about public procurement legislation, rules and access to different markets
- find specific information on the EU market of public procurement
- find general information to enable your investment abroad
- find specific information if you are investing from abroad into the EU