Services - statistics

In the EU, services constitute the single most dynamic economic activity accounting for about 75% of GDP and employment.

Services include a wide variety of sectors, including transport, telecommunications, professional services, financial services, postal and courier services, retail and distribution, environmental services and tourism.

The EU is the world's biggest exporter and importer of services with about 25% of world trade in services. Trade in services also accounts for a third of the EU’s total combined value of trade in goods and services, with additional services embedded also in the value of most goods.

EUROSTAT provides statistics at sector level for the following main sectors

  • manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
  • maintenance and repair services, not included elsewhere
  • transport
  • travel
  • construction
  • insurance and pension services
  • financial services
  • charges for the use of intellectual property, not included elsewhere
  • telecommunication, computer and information services
  • other business services
  • personal, cultural and recreational services
  • government goods and services, not included elsewhere

Statistics on international trade in services record the services transactions that occur

  • between residents of EU Member states
  • between residents of EU Member states and residents from non-Member countries

These statistics provide the monetary values by type of service and by partner country, based on the transactions recorded under a country’s balance of payments.


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