Chemical products

This page serves as a reference document only for EU-wide product requirements. Extra requirements may apply depending on the destination EU country. Please refer to My Trade Assistant for full details.

Please be aware that in this page, general description of each heading is provided in all EU languages. However, the details are only available in English.

Control of trade in dangerous chemicals

Imports of certain dangerous chemicals (pesticides and industrial chemicals) are banned or severely restricted and subject to control measures based in the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure.


Control of trade in mercury

Imports of metallic mercury and certain mixtures of mercury are prohibited or severely restricted, in order to ensure a high level of protection of human health and of the environment.


Control of persistent organic pollutants

In order to implement the provisions of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the Protocol to the regional UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, imports of POPs are prohibited or severally restricted.


Marketing requirements for fertilisers

Certain mineral fertilisers must comply with technical requirements referred to designation, classification and composition; labelling and packaging; conformity assessment and traceability.


Marketing requirements for detergents

Detergents must comply with specific provisions designed to ensure a high level of environmental protection and human health (Marketing limitations based on the biodegradability, Labelling and mandatory product information, Control and safeguard measures)


Marketing requirements for chemicals

Chemical products must comply with the marketing requirements designed to ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment.


Marketing requirements for pesticides and biocides

Plant protection products, biocidal products and their active substances must comply with the marketing requirements to ensure a high level of protection of human health.


Marketing standards for petrol, diesel fuels, gas oil and heavy fuel oil

Unleaded petrol and diesel fuel marketed within the EU must comply with certain quality and environmental specifications in order to reduce pollutant emissions from motor vehicles. Gas oil and heavy fuel oil are subject to sulphur content restrictions.


Restriction on the use of certain chemical substances in jewellery products


Restriction on the use of certain chemical substances in textile and leather products


Restriction on the use of certain chemical substances in toys


Control of drugs precursors

Imports of certain chemical substances which may be illicitly used in the manufacture of drugs are subject to control requirements, namely licensing and/or registration of operators, appointment of a responsible officer, import documentation supply of information and import authorisation.


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