Sources and copyright

The result page contains information from multiple sources. See below a list of sections of the results page and their respective source.

Section Description Source Update frequency
Tariffs Applied Tariffs (for non-EU countries) Mendel* At least every 3 months there is an update of each country
Tariffs EU tariffs DG TAXUD, TARIC database Updated every day
Tariffs Tariff dismantling DG Trade When new agreements enter into force
Tariffs Geographical indications DG Trade When new agreements enter into force
Tariffs Trade defence measures DG Trade When a new measure is applied
Rules of origin Product specific Rules of origin DG Trade When new agreements enter into force
Taxes Taxes and additional duties (for non-EU countries) Mendel* At least every 3 months there is an update of each country
Taxes Internal Taxes (for EU Member States) TARIC SA Every 3 months there is an update of each country
Procedures and formalities Import Formalities (for non-EU countries) Mendel* At least  every 3 months there is an update of each country
Import requirements Import requirements (for EU Member States) TARIC SA Every 3 months there is an update of each country
Guides Exporting guides DG Trade, DG Sante Constantly monitored to check the information is up to date
Trade barriers Trade barriers in non-EU countries DG Trade When a barrier is updated or created
Trade flow statistics Product related Statistics EUROSTAT (Comext database) Every month

*The information in the Tariffs section, Taxes section or Procedures and Formalities section,  may not be used for resale (or in the provision of consultancy services), redistribution, building of databases, storage, or for any purpose other than reference use by a European Union user personally located within one of the Member States of the European Union, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine in support of the user's own international business processes. All other use is prohibited unless explicitly approved in writing by the owner of the data: Copyright: Mendel Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Wasserstraße 223, 44799 Bochum, Germany, e-mail:

If the computer on which your browser is running is not directly connected to the Internet in the European Union, via an Internet Service Provider located in and incorporated in a Member State of the European Union (or Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine), then you are prohibited from viewing the data herein for any purpose.

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