Machinery and technical products

This page serves as a reference document only for EU-wide product requirements. Extra requirements may apply depending on the destination EU country. Please refer to My Trade Assistant for full details.

Please be aware that in this page, general description of each heading is provided in all EU languages. However, the details are only available in English.

Technical harmonisation

Technical harmonisation within the European Union (EU) aims at harmonising the essential requirements that products must meet when they are put on the market, by applying the "general reference to standards" formula and the principle of mutual recognition in order to eliminate technical obstacles to the free movement of goods. Such technical specifications shall vary depending on the category of products considered.


Technical standards for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)

All equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres must meet standardisation mandates and harmonised technical specifications before being put on the EU market.


Technical specifications for construction products

Any product or kit which is produced and placed on the market for incorporation in construction works must meet standardisation mandates and harmonised technical specifications before being put on the EU market.


Technical standards for toys

Toys imported into the EU must adhere to special safety requirements that are specific to the intended age group, as well as traceability requirements.


Technical standards for explosives for civil use

Explosives imported into the EU that are intended for civil use are subject to an EU Directive based on the UN's recommendation on the transport of dangerous goods.


Technical standards for pyrotechnic articles

These technical standards are only required for theatrical pyrotechnic articles (designed for indoor or outdoor stage use, including film and television productions or similar use), fireworks and other pyrotechnic articles for technical purposes.




Technical standards for lifts

Lifts, intended to be permanently installed in buildings, must satisfy health and safety requirements related to capacity limits, fire safety and maintenance before being put on the EU market.


Technical standards for machinery and safety components

The design and construction of machinery must meet mandatory essential health and safety requirements in order to be put in the EU market.


Technical standards for personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment placed on the EU market must comply with requirements related to design, manufacture, materials, testing, instructions, information to be supplied by the manufacturer, and other aspects.


Technical standards for outdoor equipment contributing to environmental noise emission

Equipment for use outdoors placed on the EU market must comply with the requirements concerning the noise emission in the environment.


Pressure Equipment


Technical standards for pressure equipment

Pressure vessels, piping, safety accessories and pressure accessories placed on the EU market must meet certain requirements for design, manufacture and conformity assessment. This only applies to equipment with a maximum allowable pressure greater than 0.5 bar.


Technical standards for simple pressure vessels

Simple welded pressure vessels placed in the EU market are subject to the compliance with mandatory essential safety requirements. This only applies to welded vessels subjected to a pressure greater than 0.5 bar intended to contain air or nitrogen, and not intended to be fired.


Medical Devices

The placing of medical devices on the EU market is subject to the compliance with the essential requirements in order to ensure a high level of protection of the health and safety of patients, users and third parties and achieve the intended level of performance.


Technical standards for medical devices


Technical standards for in vitro diagnostic medical devices


Technical standards for active implantable medical devices


Electrical and electronic equipment and gas appliances


Technical standards for electromagnetic compatibility

Any electrical and electronic apparatus is subject to the compliance with mandatory essential requirements established by the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive to ensure that their performance is protected against electromagnetic disturbances.


Ecodesign requirements for tertiary lighting equipment

Fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast, high intensity discharge lamps, ballasts and luminaires able to operate such lamps can only be placed on the EU market if they meet certain ecodesign requirements.


Technical standards for household gas appliances

Household gas appliances (including forced drought burners) marketed in the EU need to meet mandatory health and safety requirements concerning ignition, durability, and energy consumption, among others.


Technical standards for low voltage electrical equipment

Low-voltage electrical equipment is subject to the compliance with mandatory essential requirements in order to ensure the health and safety of persons, domestic animals and property.


Technical standards for radio equipment

Radio equipment is subject to the compliance with mandatory essential requirements. Examples of affected products are: web enabled appliances, home monitoring medical devices, navigation or tracking systems, mobile phones.




Technical standards for motor vehicles

Certain categories of motor vehicles must comply with the harmonised technical requirements established by EU legislation for passenger cars, motorcycles and tractors as well as their trailers, systems, components and separate technical units.


Technical standards for cableways for the carriage of passengers

Cableways installations intended to carry persons must meet certain essential health and safety requirements. In particular, these apply to funicular railways or other vehicles where traction is provided by one or more cables, cable cars lifted and/or displaced by carrier cables, including gondolas and chair lifts, and drag lifts.


Technical standards for recreational crafts

Recreational crafts (including personal water crafts) must adhere to harmonised standards and conformity assessments.


Technical standards for fishing vessels

Fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and above must comply with safety requirements and compliance certificates as stated by EU rules.


Technical standards for marine equipment

Marine equipment must comply with certain requirements and provisions. These apply to the following equipment: life-saving appliances, marine pollution prevention, fire protection equipment, navigation equipment, and radio-communication equipment.


Technical standards for passenger ships

Safety requirements and the appropriate certificates are required for new and existing passenger ships of 24 meters in length and above and high speed passenger craft engaged in domestic voyages within an EU Member State.


Technical standards for civil aircrafts

Imports of civil aircrafts (including its parts) must meet EU requirements for the product's airworthiness, integrity, operation and organisational structure.


Technical standards for components of the rail system

Structural and operational aspects of rail transport are subject to an EU Directive.




Technical standards for automatic weighing instruments

Automatic weighing instruments must comply with essential requirements laid out in a specific Directive. Automatic weighing instruments are defined as those intended to determine the mass of a body by using the action of gravity on that body, without the intervention of an operator.


Technical standards for material measures of length

Material measures of length must meet requirements in regard to their materials, markings, reference conditions, and maximum possible errors.


Technical standards for meters

Meters are subject to the compliance with essential requirements established by a specific Directive. This applies to: water meters, gas meters and volume conversion devices, active electrical energy meters, thermal energy meters, measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids other than water, and taximeters


Technical standards for non automatic weighing instruments

Non-automatic weighing instruments must comply with essential requirements laid out in a specific Directive. Non-automatic weighing instruments are defined as weighing instruments requiring the intervention of an operator during weighing.


Ecodesign of energy-using products

The EU has established a framework under which manufacturers of energy-using products (EuP) must, at the design stage, reduce the energy consumption and other negative environmental impacts that occur during the product's life cycle. Information concerning the product's environmental performance and energy efficiency must also be visible if possible, on the product itself, thus allowing consumers to compare before purchasing.


Ecodesign requirements for certain air heating and cooling products


Ecodesign requirements for glandless circulators


Ecodesign requirements for fans


Ecodesign requirements for water pumps


Ecodesign requirements for non-directional household lamps


Ecodesign requirements for servers and data storage products


Ecodesign requirements for external power supplies


Ecodesign requirements for electric motors


Ecodesign requirements for simple set-top boxes


Ecodesign requirements for directional lamps, LED lamps and related equipment


Ecodesign requirements for power transformers


Ecodesign requirements for computers and computer servers


Ecodesign requirements for tertiary lighting equipment


Ecodesign requirements for standby and off mode, and networked standby, electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipment


Energy efficient products

Besides the obligations imposed by the EU's Ecodesign Directive on the reduction of energy consumption and other negative environmental impacts when manufacturing energy-using products (EuP), the EU's Energy Labelling Directive establishes a framework for labelling and consumer information regarding energy consumption of energy-related products. The objective is to allow consumers to make informed purchasing decisions based on energy consumption and to encourage manufacturers to design more efficient products to meet consumer demand. The following list of requirements covers the provisions laid down by both Directives for certain energy-using products:


Energy efficiency requirements for air conditioners and comfort fans


Energy efficiency requirements for solid fuel boilers


Energy efficiency requirements for household tumble driers


Energy efficiency requirements for household washing machines


Energy efficiency requirements for household refrigerating appliances


Energy efficiency requirements for domestic cooking appliances


Energy efficiency requirements for vacuum cleaners


Energy efficiency requirements for ventilation units


Energy efficiency requirements for space heaters and combination heaters


Energy efficiency requirements for local space heaters


Energy efficiency requirements for water heaters and hot water storage tanks


Energy efficiency requirements for professional refrigerating equipment


Energy efficiency requirements for televisions


Energy efficiency requirements for household dishwashers


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