Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

This page serves as a reference document only for EU-wide product requirements. Extra requirements may apply depending on the destination EU country. Please refer to My Trade Assistant for full details.

Please be aware that in this page, general description of each heading is provided in all EU languages. However, the details are only available in English.

Import and marketing requirements for medicinal products for human use

Medicines must comply with compulsory conditions referred to import and marketing authorisation, labelling and pharmacovigilance.


Import and marketing requirements for veterinary medicinal products

Medicines for veterinary use must comply with certain conditions related to import and marketing authorisation, labelling and pharmacovigilance.


Import requirements for medicinal active substances

Active substances intended to be used as raw materials in the manufacture of medicinal products can only be imported by registered authorised operators in the importing Member State.


Import and marketing requirements for cosmetic products

Cosmetic products are subject to composition, packaging, labelling, and information requirements in order to be placed on the market.


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