25 May 2023

New code Y864 for goods imported into the EU with preferential origin from Israel as from 16 May 2023

As from 16 May 2023, importers and economic operators involved in imports into the European Union of products originating in Israel, must declare the new code Y864 in box 44 of the import declaration, in addition to the code of the proof of origin, to benefit from the preferential tariff and quotas of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.

This new code indicate that the proof of origin held by the operator does not refer to a place that cannot benefit from the tariff reductions or preferential quotas established in the EU-Israel Association Agreement and allows EU Member States to collect statistics on trade with Israeli settlements located within the territories brought under Israeli administration since June 1967. If code Y864 is not included in the import declaration, the preferential tariff treatment will be refused.

Notice on imports from Israel to the EU (C-232 03/08/2012) states that products produced in those settlements are not entitled to benefit from preferential tariff treatment under the EU-Israel Association Agreement and recalls that EUR.1 and invoice declarations issued or made out in Israel should bear the postal code and the name of the city, village, or industrial zone where production conferring originating status has taken place. The same applies to all movement certificates EUR-MED and invoice declarations EUR-MED that may be issued or made out in Israel for export to the EU on the basis of Protocol 4 to the EU - Israel Association Agreement.

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