Doing business in El Salvador
General information

- Official name
- Republic of El Salvador
- Capital
- San Salvador
- Largest city
- San Salvador
- Area
- 21.041 km2
- Population
- 6.486.201 (2020 estimate)
- Density
- 324/km2
- US$ 24.639 billion (2020 estimate)
- Currency
- United States Dollar (USD), Bitcoin (BTC)
Trade relations
This country benefits from:
The same conditions are applicable for the countries integrating this region. You can find more information on the following pages:
- Tariffs
- Rules of origin
- Product requirements
- Customs clearance documents and procedures
- Intellectual Property and Geographical Indications
- Trade in Services
- Public Procurement
My Trade Assistant provides you with detailed information about the tariffs, the measures applicable to your product and market, and displays the tariff dismantling schedules for the relevant tariff lines.
Information by sector
El Salvador is an attractive market for EU companies in many sectors. You will find in this section additional information on key trade sectors offering business opportunities to EU companies in the country.
Reports and studies
- Central America Labelling and packaging of packaged foods and beverages
- Central America public procurement guidebook
- Central America Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Guidebook
- Competition Framework in Central America
- Green Logistics and Urban Mobility in Central America
- Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture
- Renewable Energy Sector in Central America