The Association Agreement anniversary

The Association Agreement between the #EuropeanUnion and #CentralAmerica aims at strengthening the dialogue, cooperation, and trade between both regions. On the #EUCA_Trade registration page we are including a new tab with the agenda of activities organised by the European Commission to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the signature of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America.

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Practical information

From May to December 2022

European Commission

Short description
The Association Agreement between the #EuropeanUnion and #CentralAmerica aims at strengthening the dialogue, cooperation, and trade between both regions. On the #EUCA_Trade registration page we are including a new tab with the agenda of activities organised by the European Commission to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the signature of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America.
Target audience

Public and private actors in the European Union and Central America.

Links to announcement
  • From May to December 2022
  • Online
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