Market Access Day in Finland

Welcome to the Market Access Day for Finnish companies to get an update on current issues in international trade, to learn how to benefit from EU trade agreements and to familiarize yourself with the tools the European Commission offers to solve trade barriers faced by many companies doing international trade.

Welcome to the Market Access Day for Finnish companies to get an update on current issues in international trade, to learn how to benefit from EU trade agreements and to familiarize yourself with the tools the European Commission offers to solve trade barriers faced by many companies doing international trade.

Practical information

24 october
Online and Sofia Helsinki, Sofiankatu 4 C

Confederation of Finnish Industries EK together with the Finnish Chamber of Commerce, the European Commission and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Short description
Welcome to the Market Access Day for Finnish companies to get an update on current issues in international trade, to learn how to benefit from EU trade agreements and to familiarize yourself with the tools the European Commission offers to solve trade barriers faced by many companies doing international trade.
Target audience

All companies, business organisations, trade promotion professionals.

Links to announcement
  • 24 october
  • Online and Sofia Helsinki, Sofiankatu 4 C

Quick links