Glossary search results for "T" (13)
List of terms in glossary:
Provision that allows a small amount of non-originating materials to be used in the production of the goods without affecting their originating status, as long as it does not exceed a certain threshold (usually set at around 10% or 15% of the ex-work price or weight of the good, depending on the preferential trade arrangement). However, if the product specific rule already allows the use of a percentage of non-originating materials, the tolerance cannot be used to exceed that amount. The tolerance rule is also known as ‘de minimis’.
A trade barrier refers to any regulation or policy that restricts international trade, especially tariffs, quotas, licences etc.
Trade defence instruments are used to restore fairness and a level playing field when imports of a given product from a third country enter the EU at artificially low prices thereby harming the European manufacturing industry. They allow for additional duties to be added to imports into the EU when unfair trade is taking place.
Trade Defence instruments can only deal with low import prices if such prices are dumped, subsidized or if they trigger a sharp and unforeseen surge of imports.
Trade defence measures affect only around 1 % of the EU’s total import volumes.
The EU’s trade defence legislation, in line with World Trade Organisation rules, comprises instruments for:
• anti-dumping
• anti-subsidy
• safeguards