Recent VAT changes in certain EU Member States
EU Access to Markets News
Recent VAT changes in certain EU Member States
As of 1 January 2025, new VAT rates are applicable in Slovakia, whereas other Member States such as Cyprus and Spain have implemented changes in the allocation of their VAT rates to consumer products.
From 1 January 2025, the standard, intermediate and reduced VAT rates have been increased:
- Standard rate: 23% (up from 20%);
- Reduced rate: 19% (up from 10%): applicable to foodstuffs other than basic foods and electricity
- Super-reduced rate: it remains at 5% but new products are added to the list, such as:
- basic foodstuffs,
- pharmaceutical products,
- medical devices,
- books and printed materials
Legal reference: Zákon č. 102/2024 Z. z., amending and supplementing Act No. 222/2004 on Value Added Tax, as amended, and amending and supplementing certain acts.
On December 31, 2024, the temporary reduction of VAT on basic foodstuffs in Spain ceased to apply. Therefore, the rates applicable as from 1 January 2025 are as follows:
- Basic products such as bread, flour, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals: 4% (up from 2%)
- Olive oil: 4% (up from 2%)
- Seed oils and pasta: VAT at 10% (up from 7,5%)
Legal reference: Royal Decree-Law 4/2024 of 26 June (BOE nº 155, 27/06/2024)
The zero VAT rate applies to a range of basic food and other products in Cyprus until 31 December 2025, including:
- baby milk,
- baby and adult diapers,
- female hygiene products,
- fresh or chilled vegetables and
- fresh fruits
Legal reference: Council of Ministers Decree KDP 349/2024 (E.E 5904, 31/10/2024