Company stories

In this section you will find a selection of stories and experiences from companies about the use of the information on this portal for their businesses.

Country Japan
  1. Mining for success in Japan

    Bulgarian stone supplier, Marin Baturov, enjoys faster customs and streamlined paperwork when exporting to its Japanese clients thanks to the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.

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    Mining for success in Japan
  2. Less red tape, more time to innovate

    Read about Czech company, Workswell, and how they make 50% of their sales to non-EU countries, mainly under the EU trade agreements.

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    Less red tape, more time to innovate
  3. Smarter medical imaging thanks to hi-tech checks

    Read about Polish business, Pro-Project, and its international expansion thanks to EU trade deals

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    Smarter medical imaging thanks to hi-tech checks
  4. Sonimpex hope you like jamming too

    Read about how trade deals protect this Romanian business in its international trade through PGIs

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    Sonimpex hope you like jamming too
  5. For French biotech firm in Asian markets, it's cell, cell, cell

    Read about how French company, CTIBiotech, prefers to do business through the streamlined processes offered by EU trade agreements

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    For French biotech firm in Asian markets, it's cell, cell, cell
  6. Crafting the future from the past

    Read about Lapuan Kankurit, a Finnish textiles company making it big in Japan thanks to the EU-Japan EPA.

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    Crafting the future from the past
  7. Trade agreements put small countries on the map

    Irish companies, like ABCON, enjoy greater visibility thanks to the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. 

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    Trade agreements put small countries on the map
  8. Tea leaves Europe for new markets

    Greek company, Anassa Organics benefits from EU’s trade agreements with Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore to increase their sales of locally grown tea.

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    Tea leaves Europe for new markets

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