Product requirements

Products imported into Europe and products circulating on the EU market must meet the EU requirements to protect human and animal health, the environment and consumers rights. Sometimes, when traded, a product can be subject to different control measures, management of licences for imports or other specific trade regime.

Whilst the requirements for 85% of the products are harmonised in the EU there are also product rules that only apply at national level

  • you can find the specific EU harmonised rules and requirements for your product in My Trade Assistant. Start with the general overview presented below
  • for information about the product rules and regulations for goods that only apply at national level, each EU country has established a so-called "product-contact-point"


Keep in mind that you are only required to comply with the rules applicable in the EU country where you intend to place your product on the market.


Use My Trade Assistant to find

  • import procedures and specific formalities and provisions applying to your imported products
  • customs procedures and specimens of the required documents
  • national competent authorities for areas such as health and hygiene measures for plants and animals

EU product requirements overview

Read in detail about the EU product requirements for 


Prohibitions and Restrictions (P&R)

Customs authorities and other authorities carry out controls at the Union borders to enforce these many different requirements under sectoral policies, which are known as ‘prohibitions and restrictions’ (P&R). You will find more information on P&R, including an ‘Integrated EU P&R List’ with all of them, at the following address Prohibitions and Restrictions (

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