Help for My Trade Assistant

What does it cover?

  • export of goods from the EU
    • country from: EU country
    • country to: non-EU country
  • import of goods into the EU
    • country from: non-EU country
    • country to: EU country
  • intra-EU trade of goods
    • country from: EU country
    • country to: EU country

How does it work?

Reach your product specific information in a few easy steps:


Step 1: Define your search criteria

  • "product name or HS code" - editable field; you can
    • fill in an exact product code value – most of the time this is a numeric code, as the vast majority of the national product codes are built on the Harmonized System (HS), or
    • type a text - if you don’t know the product code, you can type one or multiple words – and the system will help you search for the right code, or
    • leave the field empty – if you want to browse the Harmonised System Nomenclature Tree for your product
  • "country from" – the country from which he good is exported from
  • "country to" – the country to which the product will be sold in
    • if the "country from" is an EU country, the "country to" can be either
      • a non-EU country ( Export from the EU), or
      • another EU country ( intra-EU trade)
    • if the "country from" is a non-EU country, the "country to" must be an EU country ( Importing in the EU).

To select the "country from" and the "country to", either

  • navigate through the list and then click on the country name for selection, or
  • start typing the first letters of the country for a fast search, then select the country.

Step 2: Launch the search

Click the Search button.

If the system identifies an exact match for your search criteria, the "Search results" will be presented. Go straight to step 3.

Refine your search further

If no exact match is found, further guidance will be displayed under the "Product search" title. Please follow the instructions to be able to find your product code.


How to browse the "List of goods"?

The list of goods displays the product nomenclature for the selected "country to". To find your product, expand a branch of interest by clicking the symbol until reaching your product of interest. The selectable product codes are marked in yellow.

If you have to browse the "List of goods" following a partially matching search result, the branches containing partially matching values with your searched product are marked in bold. If you did a text-based search for your product code and one of the words you used is contained in the branch title, this is also highlighted in yellow.

The product codes are specific to each "country to". Please be aware that the system tries to match the value you enter with a product code for the specified "country to", starting with most relevant digits that identify the chapter.



Step 3: Browse the results

The "Search results" show the exact results available for your search criteria

  • navigate the main sections using the menu on the left
  • larger sections may have sub-sections and/or a supplementary table of content on the right.

If for a specific section data are not available, the section will not be shown (e.g. if no Trade barriers information is available, ‘Trade barriers’ will not appear in the left menu).

The results cover

  • information specific to the "country to"
    • country overview
  • information specific to the product and "country to"
    • nomenclature tree, regular and preferential tariff rates, potential trade defence measures, tariff notes, taxes and additional duties such as VAT, excise duties, levies or fees, procedures and formalities, trade barriers and trade flow statistics
  • Information specific to a trade agreement / trade arrangement
    • mutually recognised geographical indications (GIs)
  • information specific to the product in the context of a trade agreement / trade arrangement
    • tariff dismantling schedule on how the tariffs will reduce over time, rules of origin (including self-assessment tool in some cases).

Depending on your search criteria, your search will fit in one of three scenarios.  Each scenario has specific data and an own visual identity

  • export from the EU: blue background
  • import into the EU: yellow background
  • intra-EU trade: grey background

Please refer also to the tailored "How to read the results?" section, available in the left menu of your search results.


Who can access the information

  • information related to scenarios import into the EU and intra-EU trade is accessible for all users
  • only EU based companies can access information related to scenario exports from the EU.

Read more about data sources and copyright.



  • exports from the EU: Product search and Search results are available in English
  • imports into the EU and intra-EU trade
    • product search is available in all EU language
    • search results are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French
  • narrative information in the rest of the website is available in all EU languages through machine-translation.

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