List of terms in glossary:
Tax imposed on imports by the customs authority of a country, for e.g. as a percentage of the value or at a specific rate.
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Value of goods established in accordance with the customs rules for determining the level of ad valorem duties.
Method of exporting goods, where the seller fulfils his delivery obligation when the goods have been delivered at the designated border-crossing, at the designated frontier, yet before the customs frontier of the neighbouring country. It is used primarily for ground and rail carriage.
Method of exporting goods where the seller is responsible for all stages, including customs clearing and paying any duties or taxes. The risks and costs are transferred only when the goods are delivered to the buyer. In general, the seller is responsible also for unloading the goods.
Method of exporting goods where the seller's obligations have been met once the goods have been made available to the buyer at the named destination in the country of import.
The seller bears the risks and costs in connection with the transport to that location, with the exception of duties, taxes and other official levies payable upon import and excluding the costs for customs formalities to be fulfilled. The buyer is liable for any duties, taxes or other official charges required upon import.
Method of exporting goods where the seller has met his delivery obligations once the goods, which have cleared customs for import, have been made available to the buyer on the quay (unloading wharf) at the agreed port of destination. This term may be used only if the seller was able to obtain an import licence.
Method of exporting goods where the seller has met his delivery obligations once the goods, which have not cleared customs for import, have been made available to the buyer on board the ship at the named port of destination.
Provision under agreements between more than two countries, that allows members to use products originating in the others without the final good losing its originating status.
Goods produced from originating materials in one FTA country and further processed in another, can then be exported back to any of the member countries under preferential treatment. Without cumulation only the inputs originating in the exporting country could be counted towards the originating status.
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Provision under trade agreements that require originating goods to be transported directly from one party's territory to another, aiming to ensure that goods arriving in the country of import are the same as those that left the country of export.
If, for any reason, the goods pass through or stop over in a country that is not a partner country, the conditions of direct transport might be considered met if the goods stay under customs supervision during that time.
Occurs when a country or company exports a product at a price that is lower in the foreign importing market than the price in the exporter's domestic market, in order to gain market share and harm other competitors.