Company story:

Cybersecurity and the circle of trust

Cybersecurity and the circle of trust

The cybersecurity industry and the EU trade agreements share a common foundation – trust! Compumatica is a family-owned business based in the Netherlands that is set to begin exporting into Japan thanks to the EU trade agreement. As firms across the world report an increase in cyberattacks, the importance and value of cybersecurity solutions has necessarily heightened. This is where Compumatica steps in with almost 30 years’ experience in encryption and network security. This Dutch business develops, produces and implements high-security solutions to cybersecurity problems. 

After a gradual expansion beyond the Dutch borders and Europe, in 2015, the company began negotiating with Japan’s largest utilities provider to secure computer systems, known as Next Generation SCADA technology.

Reliable business environment

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement facilitates cross-border trade by creating a culture of trust and a positive atmosphere for business. Nort Van Schayik, co-owner and business development manager at Compumatica, says that Japanese companies have a very favourable view of Europe within the industry, “we are a neutral region which is very important for cybersecurity.” Mr. Van Schayik also says that the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has given European companies a distinct advantage as it shows how serious we in Europe are about cybersecurity. According to Mr. Van Schayik, Asian clients appreciate this cautious approach, which sparks “mutual trust and collaboration.”

For example, trust is key when it comes to network protocols, which are sets of rules that enable connected devices to communicate with each other. Japan has its own specific network protocol for the industrial sector which is protected and cannot be brought in from outside Japan. However, the increased trust between the EU and Japan, fostered by the trade agreement, has led to Japan opening up in this area, creating opportunities for EU businesses such as Compumatica.

Hassle-free business trips

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement also enhanced cooperation between the two regions on mobility of persons which has directly benefitted Compumatica. Mr. Van Schayik and his staff travel to Japan two to three times a year to negotiate with their clients. For this, they have been able to benefit from the provisions of the EU-Japan agreement for business travel that allows short-term business visitors for a period of up to 90 days.

Stability in the business environment enables companies like Compumatica to invest time and money in the relationship with their Japanese client. Trust flows between Japan and the EU as both share values on the importance of treating data with the utmost care. This virtuous circle of stability, trust and the EU-Japan Trade Agreement form the cornerstone of Compumatica’s long-term business relationship.

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