EU-Moldova Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area

The EU and the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement in June 2014 and the agreement has been in full effect since July 2016. The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) is an integral part of the Agreement. It reduces tariffs that European firms face when exporting to Moldova and makes customs procedures more efficient. In addition, the agreement facilitates trade further by gradual approximation of Moldovan legislation, rules and procedures, including standards, to those of the EU.

The agreement at a glance

The Association Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova was signed in June 2014 and has been in full effect since July 2016.

See the full text and annexes of the agreement.

What are the benefits for your business?

The association agreement

  • makes it easier for you to export to and import from the the Republic of Moldova (hereafter referred to as ‘Moldova’)
  • lowers tariffs and enables an efficient and speedy undertaking of customs procedures

Additionally, the agreement establishes a gradual process of approximating Moldovan legislation, rules and procedures to those of the EU, for example in the field of standards, thus further facilitating trader.

Who can export from the EU to Moldova under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement?

If you are a company registered in an EU Member State, and have acquired a valid customs declaration – and where necessary, an export licence – you can export under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

Who can export to the EU from Moldova under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement?

To export to the EU under the EU-Moldova agreement, you need to be a company registered in the Republic of Moldova.

The EU is one of Moldova’s biggest trading partners. The key trading goods between the EU and Moldova include machinery and appliances, vegetable products, textiles and textile articles, as well as base metals.


Industrial goods

On the date of the agreement’s provisional entry into force, the EU eliminated all tariffs on industrial products from Moldova, while Moldova began gradually phasing out tariffs for certain products over a transition period of 3 to 5 years, such as

  • certain types of plastic and similar products
  • furniture
  • various textile products (e.g. carpets and clothing)

Moldova completely dismantled its tariffs for these products by 1 September 2019.

Agricultural goods

The agreement also reduces tariffs on agricultural products.

Moldova agreed to eliminate tariffs for most of its agricultural products after a transition period of up to ten years. This is relevant, for example, for

  • wines
  • some food preparations

Additionally, Moldova has committed to eliminate tariffs under specific tariff rate quotas (TRQ) for a number of sensitive products such as

  • pork
  • poultry
  • dairy products
  • processed meat products
  • sugars

The TRQs granted to EU exports of these products into Moldova are defined in Annex XV-D Schedule of Concessions as follows:

Moldova - Tariff rate quota (in tonnes)





1. Pork *




2. Poultry *




3. Dairy *




4. Processed meat



5. Sugars *




6. Sweeteners



* the quotas for pork, poultry, dairy, and sugars were reviewed in 2020

In turn, the EU eliminated its tariffs for agricultural products from day one, with the exception of specific sensitive products, for which it also put Tariff Rate Quotas in place. This means that each year only a limited amount of sensitive products can be traded free of duties. The exact amounts are defined in Annex 15A of the Association agreement.

The TRQs granted to Moldovan exports of these products into the EU are defined in Annex XV-A Products Subject to Annual Duty-Free Tariff-Rate Quotas (Union) as follows​​​​​:

EU - Tariff rate quota (in tonnes)*

Tomatoes 2,000
Garlic 220
Table grapes 20,000
Apples 40,000
Fresh cherries 1,500,000
Plums 15,000
Grape juice 500

*These quotas are managed on the basis of a first-come-first-served principle. The application period is from 1 January to 31 December. Before you export, check the balance of each applicable quota.

If any imports that arrive in the EU exceed these TRQs, an MFN customs duty will apply. In addition, please note that certain fruits and vegetables require payment of entry prices in the EU. This is the case, for example, for tomatoes. It means that surcharges may be added to the import charges of your good if its import price is below a stipulated entry price.

Additionally, Annex XV-C includes a list of agricultural products for which the EU can apply an ‘anti-circumvention mechanism’. This means that if imports from Moldova exceed a certain level, the EU is allowed to suspend lower tariffs for these products for a period of six months.

The agreement does not allow customs duties on exports. It also includes a so-called ‘standstill’ clause. This clause means that neither the EU nor Moldova can increase customs duties or introduce new duties that target goods from the other party. The agreement also prohibits quantitative restrictions on imports and exports (with the exception of restrictions permitted according to WTO rules, such as Art. XI of the GATT).

Find the tariff rate applicable to your product in My Trade Assistant.

Rules of origin

In order to qualify for preferential treatment (lower or no Customs duty), your product needs to comply with certain rules that define its origin, the rules of origin, which are laid down in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention.


Please check the interactive “Rules of Origin Self Assessment tool (ROSA)” in My Trade Assistant to assess whether your product fulfils the rules of origin and find out how to prepare the correct documents. More information available on how to use ROSA

If you are new to the topic, you can find an introduction to the main concepts in the goods section.

Product requirements

Technical rules and requirements

Moldova has taken steps to approximate its legislation, standards and procedures concerning technical barriers to trade to those of the EU. This makes it easier for you to trade between Moldova and the EU.

Moldova has approximated regulations including

  • the accreditation and marketing of products. This sets out the modules of conformity assessment procedures
  • general product safety setting out criteria on what is to be considered when determining a product as safe, and determining when to prohibit a product because it poses a serious risk to health and safety

For a list of these regulations and other legislation that Moldova has implemented, see Annex XVI of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

Moldova has also agreed to approximate

  • safety requirements of a wide range of products including machinery, lifts, toys, medical devices and simple pressure vessels
  • products that do not require a Conformité Européenne (CE) label, e.g. cosmetic products, motor vehicles, chemicals and pharmaceuticals

In terms of standards, Moldova has

  • been adopting international and European standards according to best practices
  • committed to repealing any conflicting national standards. This includes any conflicting GOST standards (Gosudarstvenny Standart) used in post-Soviet states - the Moldovan national standardisation body set up seven technical committees to identify contradictory standards to repeal


If you want to import goods into the EU from Moldova from a manufacturer who has opted to use their own specifications from Moldova, you must obtain an EU Declaration of Conformity signed by the manufacturer.

The EU Declaration of Conformity certifies and declares that the products concerned satisfy the relevant requirements and standards. After completing this, the manufacturer can attach the Conformité Européenne (CE) label to their goods, which indicates that it has met EU standards.

If your manufacturer opts to prove conformity through an EU Declaration of Conformity, it may cost more in terms of money and time than working with the harmonised EU standards which give equivalence.

View the harmonised standards grouped by the existing sectoral product directives.

Contacts for technical requirements

How will I know that the goods I am importing into the EU conform to EU regulations and standards?

If you are importing goods that pose a high risk to the public interest (e.g. pressure vessels, lifts and certain machinery) into the EU, a conformity assessment must be conducted by a Notified Body (which is usually a specific organisation such as laboratories or inspection and certification bodies accredited by the Moldovan government).

The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure monitors subordinate institutions responsible for tasks such as conformity assessment procedures, metrological verifications and the accreditation of companies. These institutions include

Please note for a large number of goods, you will be required to obtain mandatory certification, which can be granted by one of the accredited conformity assessment institutions.

The EU and Moldova are currently working on a type of mutual recognition agreement that will allow certain industrial products that fulfil the conformity requirements to be placed on either market without further testing or conformity procedures.

Health and safety requirements – SPS

Food safety, animal and plant health

In relation to trade in plants, agricultural and food commodities that is cognizant of human and animal health and safety, Moldova agreed to approximate EU laws, including

  • rules for the safety of agri-food products
  • specific rules for animal feed
  • rules on genetically modified organisms
  • rules on medical goods for veterinary purposes

For a list of all the products covered, see Annex XVII-A of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

Are you planning to import goods into the EU from Moldova?

  • your goods must be registered with the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA)
  • you must submit a declaration notifying ANSA of the specific goods you are importing
  • you must obtain a Phytosanitary Certificate issued in Moldova, which makes it possible for your goods to enter the EU

Please note

  • if you are importing into the EU any goods listed as species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), you will only be allowed to do so with a permit from the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of Moldova. Is your good listed? Find out here
  • if you are importing into the EU any toxic chemical substances and materials, you must obtain an import permit from the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova
  • if you are importing any toxic chemicals, you must contact your national Official Contact Point (OCP)

The Department of Animal Health assigned to the National Food Safety Agency is responsible for veterinary controls of live animals in Moldova. For a list of detailed provisions on how to handle animal or plant and fish diseases, see Annex XVIII-A of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)

Technical Barriers to Trade

Although technical rules are important, they can at times act as barriers to international trade and can thus be a considerable burden for you as an exporter

  • if you think you are facing a trade barrier that slows your business down or prevents you from exporting, you can tell us
  • report what is stopping your exports to Moldova using the online form - the EU will analyse your situation and take appropriate action

Contact us

Customs clearance documents and procedures

The agreement ensures more transparent and simplified customs procedures to facilitate trade and reduce costs for businesses.


The step-by-step guides describe the different types of documents you should prepare for customs clearance of your products.

Depending on your product, the customs authorities may require all or some of the elements below

  • commercial invoice (find the specific requirements regarding its form and content in My Trade Assistant)
  • packing list
  • import licences for certain goods
  • certificates showing your product complies with mandatory product regulations, such as health and safety requirements, labelling and packaging.
  • proof of origin - origin declaration

For more certainty, you may wish to apply for Binding Tariff Information and/or Binding Origin Information in advance.

For detailed information about which documents you need to present for customs clearance for your product, go to My Trade Assistant.

Procedures for proving and verification of origin

For descriptions of how to prove the origin of your products to claim preferential tariffs and of rules relating to verification of origin by customs authorities, please refer to the section on rules of origin above.

For information on customs procedures for import and export in general, visit the website of DG Taxation and Customs Union.

Intellectual property and geographical indications

The agreement protects your intellectual property rights when importing and/or exporting your goods to Moldova.

Trademarks and copyright

The EU-Moldova Agreement provides a fair and transparent system for registering trademarks. If your application is refused by the trademark administration, the decision must be communicated to you in writing, giving reasons for the refusal.

Designs and patents

Your independently created designs that have individual character are protected under registration for a period of up to 25 years. This will provide you with the exclusive right to use the design and prevent third parties that do not have your consent from using, recreating, selling or importing and/or exporting it.

Geographical indications

A specific committee on geographical indications established under the EU-Moldova Agreement monitors implementation of the agreement in relation to geographic indications, and reports to the Trade Committee. For more information on geographic indications of agricultural products, foodstuffs, types of wine and spirit drinks, see Annex XXX of the EU-Moldova agreement.

How to obtain protection?

Moldova’s agency for the protection of copyright is the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI). This agency works on improving the legal framework and adjusting it to EU norms, as well as increasing public awareness and building capacity in law enforcement.

You can apply to register intellectual property with AGEPI online. The time required to obtain IPR protection in Moldova varies depending on the type of protection you are seeking

  • copyright: 15-30 days
  • trademarks: 10-12 months
  • patent for plants: 1.5-3 years
  • short-term patent for invention: 7-8 months
  • long-term patent for invention: 17-18 months
  • industrial design: 10-12 months
  • geographical indications, appellations of origin or traditional specialties: 10-12 months

Trade in services

Both the Moldovan government and the EU have set out their existing limitations or reservations regarding the supply of services, with a high level of transparency. For a list of Moldova’s specific reservations, see Annex XXVII-E to –G of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

How do you navigate through the Annexes?

The EU-Moldova Association Agreement contains three Annexes with reservations by Moldova that might impact your business

  • looking to establish a business in Moldova? Annex XXVII-E has a negative list of all the service sectors to which you do not have access. This means that you can take advantage of opportunities in all the other sectors that are not listed.
  • interested in cross-border trade of your services? Annex XXVIII-F has a positive list of the service sectors to which you do have access. This list names all the sectors in which you are allowed to trade.
  • looking for graduate trainee or key personnel opportunities? Annex XXVII-G lists the sectors or subsectors where limitations are applied.
  • are you an independent professional or contractual service supplier? Annex XXVII-H lists the reservations applied.
Who can establish a business in Moldova?

If you are

  • an enterprise, the EU-Moldova agreement allows you to establish or acquire branches of your business or representative offices in Moldova or the EU
  • an individual, the EU-Moldova agreement provides you with opportunities to create and establish your business through self-employment or undertakings that are in your control

These allowances ensure that you receive the same treatment as Moldovan nationals.

Cross-border supply of services

In sectors granted access to Moldova, the agreement removes the following limits

  • on the total value of service transactions or assets
  • on the total number of service operations or total quantity of service outputs

You will also be allowed to supply services to Moldova under the same conditions as Moldovan nationals.

Temporary stays

The EU-Moldova agreement allows you to temporarily move to Moldova (or the EU) to work as a graduate trainee, a business seller, or as key personnel of a company in that country.

The temporary stay periods are as follows

  • intra-corporate transferee (key personnel of a company in Moldova (or the EU), or graduate trainees) - up to 3 years
  • business visitor (e.g. travelling to establish business in Moldova (or the EU), or a business seller) - up to 90 days in any 12 month period
  • graduate trainee who is not an intra-corporate transferee - up to 1 year

The EU-Moldova Agreement also creates opportunities for contractual service providers in specific sectors in either country. In this regard, however, the provider must

  • be supplying the service in question on a temporary basis as an employee of an entity that has obtained a service contract not exceeding 1 year
  • possess at least 3 years of professional work experience in the sector
  • have a university degree or qualification demonstrating knowledge of an equivalent level and relevant professional qualifications

For more information on the limits that are placed on personnel, graduate trainees, business sellers and contractual service providers, see Annex XXVII-G and Annex XXVII-H of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

Public procurement

The EU and Moldova envisage mutual access to public procurement markets in each country at national, regional and local levels. This is with regard to public contracts and concessions in traditional sectors, as well as in the utilities sector.

The EU-Moldova Agreement also makes sure that consideration of applications for tenders in both countries is done fairly, with the same treatment exercised towards local and foreign applicants.

The Agreement obligates both the EU and Moldova to ensure that

  • all the intended procurements are made public - this is done to open the market to competition and to give you access to information regarding the intended procurement prior to the award of the contract
  • there is a non-discriminatory description of the subject matter of the contract, showing appropriate time limits, accessible to all economic operators
  • there is no discrimination against you as an economic operator, which might disable you from qualifying for the tender
  • there is transparency in the process of awarding the tender up to the announcement of the winning bid
  • the final decision will be communicated to all applicants - upon request, unsuccessful applicants will receive an explanation to allow you to analyse the decision

The MTender networking electronic procurement platform provides more readily available procurement information, including the announcement of intended procurement activities, the availability of electronic bidding documents, the automated public procurement bulletin, and the generation of an electronic bid template for electronic operators.

Links, contacts, documents

National institutions

Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations

Contacts for technical requirements

Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)

National institutions

Economic Council to the Prime Minister in Moldova


Division on Dual-Use Goods Trade Control under the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure

Moldova is a party to the international Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and monitors the import of substances that may be used to produce such weapons. Imports may hence require particular authorisation.

Secţia control al circulaţiei mărfurilor cu dubla destinaţie al Ministerul Economiei si Infrastructurii

Bd. Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1, MD-2033 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 250669

Fax: +373 22 234064

National Bank of Moldova (BNM)

The responsible organ for currency control and stability is the National Bank of Moldova (BNM). The National Committee for Financial Stability is a subordinate to the BNM.

Banca Naţională a Moldovei (BNM)

Bd. Grigore Vieru No. 1, MD-2005 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 822348, 822502, 822606

Moldova Customs

Serviciul Vamal al Republicii Moldova

Str. N. Starostenco 30, MD-2065 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 574201, 574206

Call Centre: +373 22 574111

Fax: +373 22 273061



Directorate for Pollution Prevention and Waste Management under the Ministry of Agriculture

Direcţia prevenire poluării şi managementul deşeurilor a Ministerul Agriculturii, Dezvoltarii Regionale ş Mediului

Str. Constantin Tanase 9, MD-2005 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 204512, 204525, 204526

Fax: +373 22 226858

Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova

Delegaţia Uniunii Europene în Republica Moldova

Str. M. Kogalniceanu 12, MD-2001 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel: +373 22505210

Fax: +373 22272622


Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union

Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 55/Franklin Rooseveltlaan 55
1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel.: +32 27400660

Fax: +32 27400669



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova

Camera de Comert si Industrie a Republicii Moldova

151, Stefan cel Mare blv., Chisinau, MD2004, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 22 15 52

Fax: +373 22 2 44 25


European Business Association Moldova

Asociaţia Businessului European (EBA)

30, Vlaicu Pârcălab str., of. 7, Chisinau, MD2012, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 90 70 25

Mobile: +373 79 025 999



EU4Business Secretariat

De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, Belgium

Tel.: +32 27491851


Contacts for technical requirements

Institute for Standardization of Moldova (ISM)

Institutul de Standardizare din Moldova (ISM)

Str. Eugen Coca 28, MD-2064 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 905300

Fax: +373 22 905310

As another organisation controlled by the stated Ministry, the National Centre for Accreditation of the Republic of Moldova (MOLDAC) is designated as the single national accreditation body in Moldova.

Catalogue of Moldovan standards and technical regulations:

Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection

Ministerul Sǎnǎtǎții, Muncii si Protectiei Sociale

Str. Vasile Alecsandri 2, MD-2009 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 729907, 268818

Fax: +373 22 738781

Public Services Agency

Newly imported motor vehicles must enter the register of transport means of the Public Services Agency. In addition, technical conditions for motor vehicles need to be declared and identified by the importer.

Agenţia Servicii Publice

Str. Pushkin 42, MD-2012 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 257070

Fax: +373 22 212259

National Agency of Road Transport

The authority in charge of controlling and monitoring legal measures on road carriage is the National Agency of Road Transport.

Agenţia Naţionala Transport Auto (ANTA) subordonat Ministerului Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii Drumurilor

Str. Alecu Russo 1, MD-2068 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 498810

Fax: +373 22 220657

Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)

National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO)/ Directorate for the Protection of Plant Health

Direcţia Protecţia şi Sănătatea Plantelor atribuite Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor (ANSA)

Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu 63, MD-2009 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 264674, 294730

Fax: +373 22294730

Department of Animal Health assigned to the National Food Safety Agency

Departamentul de sănătate animală atribuit celei Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor (ANSA)

Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu 63, MD-2009 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 210178, 294730

Fax: +373 22 294730

Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment

Ministerul Agriculturii, Dezvoltării Regionale şi Mediului

Str. Constantin Tanase 9, MD-2005 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 204579

Fax: +373 22 220748

Official Contact Point (OCP) for toxic chemicals

Direcţia prevenire poluării şi managementul deşeurilor a Ministerul Agriculturii, Dezvoltarii Regionale ş Mediului

Str. Constantin Tanase 9, MD-2005 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel.: +373 22 204512, 204525, 204526

Fax: +373 22 226858

National Commission on Biological Security

Comisia Naţională pentru Securitate Biologică

Str. Mitropolit Dosoftei 156 A, MD-2004 Chisinau, Moldova

Tel. and Fax: +373 22 226874

Further links

Quick links