Approved exporters

Approved Exporters are entitled to self-declare the preferential origin of products by making out invoice/origin declarations on their invoices or another commercial document.

  • The approved exporter status simplifies export formalities by allowing the approved exporter to certify the preferential origin of goods himself by including a specific declaration on the invoice or another commercial document identifying the exported products. Thus, in free trade agreements in which both movement certificates EUR-MED and/or EUR.1 and invoice/origin declarations are foreseen, the approved exporter is not obliged to fill in a movement certificate EUR.1 or EUR-MED and have it validated by the competent authority.
  • The application to get the approved exporter status is a one-off formality, where the exporter provides the customs authorities with the necessary information, for example the exporter needs to be known as reliable (e.g. not subject to bankruptcy proceedings or being in arrears of customs duties and taxes). Once the authorisation is granted, it is valid for all exports of the covered originating goods.
  • To apply for approved exporter status, please contact your local customs authorities. A customs authorisation number is assigned to the approved exporter; this number must be indicated on the preferential origin documents.
  • As a general rule an invoice/origin declaration must bear the original handwritten signature of the Approved Exporter. However, normally an Approved Exporter will benefit from an exemption to signing origin declarations, through a written undertaking accepting full responsibility for any invoice/origin declaration which identifies the exporter. This written undertaking should be included in the application. Such an undertaking could for example read: “I, the undersigned, declare that I / company X accept full responsibility for any origin declaration which identifies me/ the company as if it had been signed in manuscript by me. Place, date, signature”

For more information see the guidance on Approved Exporters

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