Doing business in Costa Rica

Splošne informacije

Uradno ime
Republic of Costa Rica
Glavno mesto
San José
Največje mesto
San José
51.179 km2
5.094.114 (2020 estimate)
US$ 61.521 billion (2020 estimate)
Costa Rican Colón (CRC)

Trgovinski odnosi

The same conditions are applicable for the countries integrating this region. You can find more information on the following pages:

Program Moj trgovinski pomočnik vam zagotavlja podrobne informacije o tarifah ter ukrepih, ki se uporabljajo za vaš izdelek in trg, ter prikazuje načrte odprave tarif za ustrezne tarifne postavke.

Informacije o dostopu do trga

The EU is working to improve market access on the benefit of EU companies. Information on accessing the national market is published in this section. You can also follow news feeds on web and social media on the EU delegation to the country.

Informacije po sektorjih

Costa Rica is an attractive market for EU companies in many sectors. You will find in this section additional information on key trade sectors offering business opportunities to EU companies in the country.

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