Movement Certificate EUR.1
Article 16 (“Procedure for the Issuance of a Movement Certificate EUR.1”) to 19 (“Issuance of Movement Certificates EUR.1 on the Basis of a Proof of Origin Previously Issued or Made Out”) of the rules of origin protocol of the EU-Colombia, Peru, Ecuador Trade Agreement
Movement certificate EUR.1 is issued by exporting country customs authorities based on the application of the exporter or the exporter’s authorised representative
How to apply for a movement certificate EUR1?
- You can request a movement certificate EUR.1 from your Customs authority or an appointed body (e.g. Chambers of Commerce);
- The certificate and application must be completed by the exporter or the exporter’s authorised representative and returned to the Customs authority for endorsement;
- The exporter applying for the movement certificate EUR.1 must be prepared to submit all documents proving the originating status of the products concerned;
- Appendix 3 includes an example of specimen of a movement certificate EUR.1 and the application form.
Validity and record keeping.
- The movement certificate EUR.1 is valid for 12 months after its issuance;
- The documents proving the originating status and any other requirements need to be kept for at least 3 years by the exporter.
Can I apply for an EUR1 after shipment?
- Yes. You can apply for a retrospective movement certificate EUR. 1. However, this is only allowed in exceptional circumstances.
Naisc thapa
Ceisteanna Coitianta
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