Doing business in Ecuador
Generelle oplysninger

- Officiel betegnelse
- Republic of Ecuador
- Kapital
- Quito
- Største by
- Guayaquil
- Område
- 283.561 km2
- Befolkning
- 17.643.060 (2020 Estimate)
- Befolkningstæthed
- 61/km2
- US$ 98.808 billion (2020 estimate)
- Valuta
- United States dollar (USD)
Dette land nyder godt af:
The same conditions are applicable for the countries integrating this region. You can find more information on the following pages
- Tariffs
- Rules of origin
- Product requirements
- Customs clearance documents and procedures
- Intellectual property and Geographical Indications
- Trade in services
- Public Procurement
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