25 marts 2022

Key information for 13 additional countries now on Access2Markets

Are you interested in growing your business, internationalising and doing trade with Antigua and Bermuda, Comoros, Dominica, Eswatini (Swaziland), Grenada, Lesotho, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Seychelles, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent, Suriname, Samoa, Salomon Islands?

Access2Markets now has all the key information you need on these 13 new additional countries!

With this addition of 13 extra countries to our database, Access2Markets can guide you to the information you need to export or import, and will help EU SMEs in their efforts to internationalise by making it easier to assess export opportunities, informing about trade agreements and supporting their implementation, providing information for ALL products and breaking down the legal language into practical information.

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