EU-Central America Dialogue on Renewable Energy

The event will focus on the benefits of the Association Agreement between the EU and Central America, the EU’s sustainability strategy in Central America and the state of the renewable energy market in both regions, along with the challenges and opportunities for private companies in this sector.

Against the backdrop of the 10th anniversary of the EU-Central America Association Agreement, the European Union is organizing a “Dialogue on Renewable Energies”, which will take place on Thursday 26 May in Ciudad de Guatemala.

The event will focus on the benefits of the Association Agreement between the EU and Central America, the EU’s sustainability strategy in Central America and the state of the renewable energy market in both regions, along with the challenges and opportunities for private companies in this sector.

Main topics

  • Funding for renewable energies
  • Renewable energy sector: new opportunities in Central America
  • The private sector’s perspective: opportunities and challenges

The meeting is open to the public. Anyone interested in participating is requested to complete the on-line registration form.

This event will be transmitted live through the YouTube channel of EUCA_Trade.

Practical information

Īss apraksts
The event will focus on the benefits of the Association Agreement between the EU and Central America, the EU’s sustainability strategy in Central America and the state of the renewable energy market in both regions, along with the challenges and opportunities for private companies in this sector.
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