EU-Central America Association Agreement
The trade pillar of the EU-Central America Association Agreement has been provisionally applied since 1 August 2013 with Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, since 1 October 2013 with Costa Rica and El Salvador, and since 1 December 2013 with Guatemala. It reduces tariffs and increases the efficiency of customs procedures.
The agreement at a glance
The six Central American countries that are Parties to this agreement are
Full text and annexes of the agreement.
Read the specific part of the agreement relating to trade.
What are the benefits for your business?
The EU-Central America Association Agreement
- makes it easier and cheaper for EU traders to import from, and export to Central America
- eliminates most import tariffs and improves access to government procurement and investment markets.
- creates a more predictable environment for trade in Central America, with a mediation mechanism for non-tariff barriers and a bilateral dispute settlement mechanism
Trade relations between the EU and Central America
The EU and Central America have maintained close and comprehensive relations for a long time. As an EU exporter or importer, you can take advantage of the relationship between the two regions to benefit your business.
The most significant imports from Central America are foodstuffs such as fruit (e.g. bananas, pineapples), sugar, animal or vegetable fats and oils (mainly palm oil), coffee beverages, and medical instruments.
In terms of EU exports to Central America, significant product groups include pharmaceutical products, machinery and appliances, as well as transport equipment.
Industrial goods and fisheries
Did you know that the Association Agreement largely eliminates almost all tariffs on manufactured products and fisheries?
- on the entry into force of the agreement, the EU removed 99% of its tariff lines related to industrial products and fisheries
- Central America agreed to give duty-free access to all industrial products and fisheries by 2025
Agricultural goods
The EU-Central America FTA eliminated most of the tariffs on agricultural products, leaving only those on 'sensitive areas'. Therefore
- the EU agreed to remove tariffs for 73% of its agricultural tariff lines which correspond to around 64% of agricultural imports from Central America. Among the goods that can enter the EU duty-free are coffee, prawns, pineapples and melons. Key products such as sugar and rum can also enter the EU within duty free quotas.
- Central America removed tariffs on 67% of its agricultural tariff lines, covering around 62% of agricultural imports from the EU. For example, imports of European whiskeys to Central American countries that are party to the agreement were completely liberalised.
Before you export
- find the tariff rate applicable to your product in My Trade Assistant
- check the balance of each applicable tariff rate quota
Rules of origin
In order to qualify for preferential treatment, your product will need to satisfy the rules of origin under the agreement. Please check the interactive “Rules of Origin Self Assessment tool (ROSA)” in My Trade Assistant to assess whether your product fulfils the rules of origin and find out how to prepare the correct documents.
General information about the rules of origin and the origin procedures can be found in this section.
Origin is the 'economic nationality' of traded goods. If you are new to the topic, find an introduction to the main concepts in the goods section.
Where can I find the rules of origin?
Concerning definition of the concept of ‘originating products’ and methods of administrative cooperation of the EU-Central America Association Agreement, the rules of origin are set out in Appendix 2 (page 2319) and Appendix 2 A (Page 2416). Consult the consolidated version of the agreement text
Is my product “originating” according to the EU-Central America Association Agreement?
For your product to qualify for the lower or zero preferential tariff under the EU-Central America Association Agreement, it must originate in the EU or Central America.
A product originates in the EU or Central America if it is
- wholly obtained in the EU or Central America
- manufactured in the EU or Central America using non-originating materials , provided such materials have been sufficiently worked or processed in compliance with the product specific rules set out in Appendix 2 (page 2319). See also Appendix 1 (page 2313) ‘Introductory notes’ to product-specific rules of origin.
For certain products there are some alternative product-specific rules – see Appendix 2A (page 2416).
Examples of the main types of product-specific rules in EU trade agreements
- the value-added rule – the value of all of the non-originating materials in a product cannot exceed a certain percentage of its ex-works price
- the change of tariff classification – the production process results in a change of tariff classification between the non-originating materials and the final product – for example production of paper (Harmonised System Chapter 48) from non-originating pulp (Harmonised System Chapter 47)
- specific operations – a specific production process is required, for example spinning of fibres into yarn – such rules are mostly used in the textiles clothing and chemical sectors
Tips and tricks to comply with the product-specific rules
The agreement provides additional flexibility to help you comply with the product-specific rules, such as tolerance or cumulation.
- the tolerance rule allows the producer to use non-originating materials that are normally prohibited by the product-specific rule up to 10% of the product’s ex-works price
- this tolerance cannot be used to exceed any maximum-value threshold of non-originating materials listed in the product-specific rules
- specific tolerances apply to textiles and clothing classified in HS Chapters 50 to 63, which are included in Notes 5 to 6 of Appendix 1 (Page 2313) ‘Introductory notes’ of product-specific rules of origin
The EU-Central America Association Agreement also allows for
- bilateral cumulation, materials originating in a signatory Central American country can be counted as originating in the EU (and vice versa) when used in the manufacturing of a product
- diagonal cumulation, materials originating in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru or Venezuela can be counted as originating in Central America when used to manufacture a product, provided certain conditions are met
- in addition, at the request of a Central American country or the EU, diagonal cumulation can be granted for materials originating in Mexico, South American or Caribbean countries, provided certain conditions are met
Other requirements
The product also needs to fulfil all other applicable requirements specified in the Protocol, such as insufficient working or processing, or the direct transport rule.
Direct transport rule
Originating products must be transported from the EU to a signatory Central American country (and vice-versa) without being further processed in a third country.
Trans-shipment or temporary warehousing in a third country is allowed if the products remain under the surveillance of the customs authorities and do not undergo operations other than
- unloading
- reloading
- any operation designed to preserve them in good condition
You will have to provide evidence of the direct transport to the customs authorities of the importing country.
Duty drawback
Under the EU-Central America Association Agreement, it is possible to get a refund on duties previously paid on non-originating materials used to manufacture a good that is exported under a preferential tariff.
Origin procedures
If you want to claim a preferential tariff you will have to follow the origin procedures and have your claim verified by the customs authorities of the country into which you are importing your goods. The procedures are set out in Title IV on Proof of origin and Title V on Arrangements for administrative cooperation.
How to claim a preferential tariff?
To benefit from a preferential tariff, importers must provide proof of origin.
The proof of origin can be either
- a movement certificate EUR.1
- an origin declaration
No proof of origin is required when the total value of the products does not exceed
- €500 for small packages
- €1,200 for personal luggage
The proof of origin is valid for a period of twelve months from the date of issue.
Movement certificate EUR.1
- movement certificates EUR.1 are issued by the customs authorities of the exporting country
- the exporter applying for the certificate should be prepared to submit documents proving the originating status of the products concerned
- Appendix 3 includes a specimen EUR.1 certificate and instructions on how to complete it
Origin declaration
Exporters can self-declare that their product originates in the EU or one of the Central American countries by providing an origin declaration. The origin declaration can be made out by:
- an approved exporter
- any exporter, provided that the total value of the products does not exceed €6,000
Approved exporters
- exporters under this agreement can seek authorisation from their customs authorities to make out origin declarations for products of any value
- customs authorities may withdraw approved exporter status in the event of abuse
How to make an origin declaration?
- the exporter should type, stamp or print the following declaration on the invoice, delivery note or other commercial identifying the product (Appendix 4)
- “The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs [or competent governmental] authorisation No ...) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of ... preferential origin.”
- the text of the origin declaration can be made out in any of the official languages of the EU
- you must sign your origin declaration by hand. If you are an approved exporter, you are exempted from this requirement, provided that you give your customs authorities a written undertaking that you accept full responsibility for any declaration identifying you
- an origin declaration may be made out by the exporter when the products to which it relates are exported, or after exportation on the condition that it is presented in the importing country no longer than two years after the importation of the products to which it relates
- when filling in an invoice declaration, you should be prepared to submit documents proving the originating status of your products
Verification of origin
The customs authorities may verify whether a product imported is indeed originating or fulfils other origin requirements. Verification is based on
- administrative cooperation between customs authorities of the importing and the exporting parties
- checks done by local customs (visits of the importing party to the exporter are not allowed)
Once the verification is concluded, the authorities of the exporting party determine the origin and inform the authorities of the importing party of the results.
Product requirements
Technical rules and requirements
Technical rules define specific characteristics that a product should have, such as design, labelling, marking, packaging, functionality or performance, and are designed for example to protect human health, safety or the environment. However, it can be costly for traders to comply with different requirements in different markets.
Under the association agreement, the EU and the Central American countries cooperate on market surveillance, drafting technical regulations, setting standards and establishing conformity assessments. All sides are committed to transparency, making all technical regulations publicly available. Most importantly, the parties strive for the development of harmonised regulations and standards within each region, with a view to facilitating the free movement of goods.
Honduras - contacts for technical requirements
Nicaragua - contacts for technical requirements
Panama - contacts for technical requirements
Costa Rica - contacts for technical requirements
El Salvador - contacts for technical requirements
Guatemala - contacts for technical requirements
Health and safety requirements (SPS)
Chapter 5 on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) reaffirms the parties’ rights and obligations under the WTO SPS Agreement , whilst providing WTO – plus procedural measures to promote effective implementation. Detailed procedural and interpretive measures are to be found in Annex VII Requirements and provisions for approval of establishments for products of animal origin and in Annex VIII Guidelines for conducting verifications.
The agreement also provides for a Sub-Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary to solve any problems that might arise in this area, as well as to track and monitor SPS actions carried out by all parties to this agreement.
Further improvements have been agreed, e.g. in the field of animal welfare. These will help build capacity in Central American countries and hence facilitate their market access.
Honduras - contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)
Nicaragua - contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)
Panama - contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)
Costa Rica - contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)
El Salvador - contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)
Guatemala - contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS)
Technical Barriers to Trade
Although technical rules are important, they can at times act as barriers to international trade and can thus be a considerable burden for you as an exporter.
- if you think you are facing a trade barrier that slows your business down or prevents you from exporting, you can tell us.
- report what is stopping your exports to Central America using the online form, then the EU will analyse your situation and take appropriate action
Customs clearance documents and procedures
The agreement ensures more transparent and simplified customs procedures to facilitate trade and reduce costs for businesses.
The step-by-step guides describe the different types of documents you should prepare for customs clearance of your products.
Depending on your product, the customs authorities may require all or some of the elements below
- commercial invoice (find the specific requirements regarding its form and content in My Trade Assistant)
- packing list
- import licences for certain goods
- certificates showing your product complies with mandatory product regulations, such as health and safety requirements, labelling and packaging
- proof of origin - origin declaration
For more certainty, you may wish to apply for Binding Tariff Information and/or Binding Origin Information in advance.
For detailed information about which documents you need to present for customs clearance for your product, go to My Trade Assistant.
Procedures for proving and verification of origin
For a description of how to prove the origin of your products to claim preferential tariffs and of the rules relating to the verification of origin by customs authorities, please refer to the section on rules of origin above.
For information on customs procedures for import and export in general, visit the website of DG Taxation and Customs Union.
Intellectual Property and Geographical Indications
The EU-Central America Agreement provides for stronger intellectual property rights for you to import and/or export your products to Central America.
Annex XVII and Annex XVIII of the EU-Central America FTA reaffirms the parties’ commitments to the TRIPS agreement and the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and accords them both national treatment and most favoured nation (MFN) treatment. In other words, owners of intellectual property will be treated no less favourably than a country’s own nationals or those of any other country.
Geographical indications
The Central American countries have amended and adopted new legislation to incorporate regional specialities and Geographical Indications (GIs) in a manner similar to the EU. If you are a producer of GI products in the EU, it might interest you that over 200 geographical indications, such as champagne, Parma ham and Scotch whisky, are also specifically protected on Central American markets.
Trade in Services
The EU-Central America Association Agreement ensures that you can benefit from opportunities in the Central American market. This agreement opens the Central American services market and provides the legal certainty and predictability that you need as a service supplier to trade in these countries. In addition, you are treated in the same manner as local suppliers.
Cross-border supply of services
If you are an SME with no intention of physically establishing yourself in Central America, the agreement lists all the sectors that the EU and Central America agreed to liberalise, which you can find in Annex XI Lists of commitments on cross-border supply of services.
Find more on cross-border supply of services in Chapter 3 Cross-border supply of services, within Title III Establishment, trade in services and electronic commerce.
More information on the service sectors that are covered is available on the DG TRADE website (see Article 170 and Annex XI of the agreement).
Establishing a business in Central America
In sectors where the EU and Central American countries have made market access commitments, the parties have agreed not to restrict the establishment of business in any of the following ways (unless otherwise specified in Annex X)
- limitations on the number of establishments (whether in the form of numerical quotas, through monopolies or exclusive rights, or by requiring an economic needs test)
- limitations on the total value of transactions or assets that you are allowed (either in the form of numerical quotas or by requiring an economic needs test)
- limitations on the total number of operations that are allowed in the country, or limitations on the total quantity of output expressed in terms of designated numerical units (in the form of quotas or by requiring an economic needs test)
- limitations on the participation of foreign capital in terms of maximum percentage limit on foreign shareholding or the total value of individual or aggregate foreign investment
- measures which restrict or require specific types of establishment (subsidiary, branch, representative office) or joint ventures through which an investor of the other party may perform an economic activity
Temporary stays
The agreement enables the entry and temporary stay in the EU and Central American territories of
- key personnel
- graduate trainees
- business services sellers
This is done in accordance with the objective, scope and coverage of the services chapter in the limits of the sectors listed in Annexes X and XI. Therefore
If you are an investor
- your senior business staff who are responsible for setting up your establishment are allowed to stay in any of the Central American countries that are party to this agreement for ninety days in any 12-month period
- your managers and specialists who are transferred from your EU-based operations to those in Central America can stay there for up to three years once your business has been established there
- graduate trainees who are transferred from the EU to the establishment in Central America should be granted stays of up to one year
If you are a cross-border service provider, the EU and Central American countries will allow you to enter and stay for up to 90 days a year, to negotiate the sale of services.
What sectors are excluded from liberalisation?
Some sensitive sectors are excluded from liberalisation under this agreement. The following are the main exceptions
- all parties have a ‘prudential carve out’ for financial services that
- protects investors, depositors, financial market users, policy-holders or persons to whom a fiduciary duty is owed by a financial service supplier
- maintains the safety, soundness, integrity or financial responsibility of financial services suppliers
- ensures the integrity and stability of a party's financial system
- Costa Rica excludes private retail banks, which must maintain a permanent minimum loan balance with the state bank or alternatively establish at least four agencies or branches to provide basic banking services in selected regions
- El Salvador excludes rural land, which may not be owned by foreign [legal] persons, including a branch of a foreign legal person, and has a 75% (Central American) nationality requirement for insurance companies and a 50% (Central American) ownership requirement for banks unless these financial institutions are approved by an internationally recognised risk classification entity
- Guatemala lists no reservations.
- Honduras requires foreign insurance institutions establishing in Honduras to deposit at least 10% of the minimum capital of the proposed company in either the Banco Central de Honduras or to invest the above amount in state securities. Foreign financial service suppliers must establish as corporations (sociedades anónimas), as branches, or as representative offices.
- Nicaragua reserves the right to accord benefits to financial services suppliers or public entities (wholly or majority owned by the state) that pursue public policy objectives by supplying financial services (including but not limited) to agriculture, housing for low-income families, or small- and medium-sized enterprises. It also reserves the right to adopt or maintain measures requiring the incorporation in Nicaragua of foreign financial services suppliers. Insurance and reinsurance require legal personality constituted and domiciled in Nicaragua in the form of public corporations.
- Panama requires at least 49% national ownership for insurance brokers
Sectoral reports to guide EU investors in Central America
Against the backdrop of the 10th anniversary of the EU-Central America Association Agreement, the EU with the support of the #EUCA_Trade project has produced a series of sectoral reports aimed to identify economic sectors that offer the highest competitive potential for EU exports and investments in the Central America region.
There exist opportunities for EU exports and investments in many sectors across Central America. However, EU investors may face important challenges when doing business in the region. Therefore, these documents help to identify business opportunities that offer the best prospects and where EU exporters can achieve a competitive positioning.
Download sectoral reports:
- Study on 6 priority sectors for EU trade and investment in Central America
- Green Logistics and Urban Mobility in Central America
- Innovation for a sustainable agriculture
- Renewable Energy sector in Central America
- Cybersecurity sector in Central America
- Health sector in Central America
- Costa Rica: Electrical mobility sector fiche
- El Salvador: Pharma sector fiche
- Guatemala: Infrastructure sector fiche
- Honduras: Agriculture sector fiche
- Nicaragua: Renewable energies sector fiche
- Panama: ICT sector fiche
- Technical barriers to pharmaceutical products in Costa Rica
For more information on priority investments of Central American countries you can also consult website of the agencies for promotion of investment and export of the 6 central American Countries:
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador - The Export and Investment Promotion Agency
- Honduras - Investment Promotion and Attraction Agency
- Guatemala - Single window Facility for Foreign Trade
- Nicaragua - Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade
- Panama - The Export and Investment Promotion Authority
Public Procurement
The EU-Central America Association Agreement opens up an array of public procurement opportunities for you at national, regional and local levels in all the countries that are party to the agreement.
There will be no discrimination between foreign and local companies.
Title V and Annex XVI of the agreement set out the general principles and procedures which are compatible with the WTO’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
Annex XVI establishes
- the procurement entities covered and the thresholds for the value of contracts above which the provisions apply
- key features of the process for awarding procurement contracts
This is particularly in reference to where tenders are to be published, documentary requirements, contract awards and time periods.
In addition, the article 212 of the Title V: “Publication of Procurement Information”, provides that Central America shall develop a single point of access at regional level for Central American public tenders. This single point of access has been launched in September 2012 and it is available in the following website:
Punto de acceso regional de contratactión pública Centroamericana
For specific contacts at country level please visit:
- Honduras - contacts for public procurement
- Nicaragua - contacts for public procurement
- Panama - contacts for public procurement
- Costa Rica - contacts for public procurement
- El Salvador - contacts for public procurement
- Guatemala - contacts for public procurement
Links, contacts and documents
National institutions - Honduras
Central American Bank of Economic Integration (CABEI) |
Edificio Sede, Bulevar Suyapa, Apartado Postal 772, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22402243 Fax: +504 22402231 |
Deputy Directorate of Customs Revenues assigned to the Ministry of Finance |
Dirección Adjunta de Rentas Aduaneras (DARA) de la Secretaría de Finanzas Boulevard la Hacienda, frente a Auto Excel, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 32795394, +504 32799830 |
Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations - Honduras
Delegation of the European Union to Honduras |
Col. Altos de Las Lomas del Guijarro Sur, 4ta Ave – 2da Calle, Bloque B, Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 2239 99 91 Fax: +504 2239 99 94 E-mail: |
Embassy of Honduras to the Kingdom of Belgium and Mission of Honduras to the European Union
Avenue de Cortenbergh 89, 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 27340000 E-mail: |
Association of Free Trade Zones of Honduras |
Asociación de Zonas Francas de Honduras (AZAFRANCA) P.O. Box 3973, HN-Zip San José San Pedro Sula, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 25542772, +50425542776 Fax: +504 25163092, +504 25540466 |
EU4Business |
De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2749 1851 E-mail: |
Contacts for technical requirements - Honduras
Ministry of Finance (SEFIN) |
Secretaría de Finanzas (SEFIN) 3rd floor, Edificio SEFIN, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22228702 Fax: +504 22201705 |
Honduran Institute for the Prevention of Alcoholism, Drug Addiction and Medication Addiction (IHADFA) |
Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) Colonia Rubén Darío, Circuito Choluteca B, Casa No. 2109, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22394488 |
Governmental Community Centre under the General Directorate for Foreign Policy assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Centro Cívico Gubernamental bajo la Dirección General de Política Exterior de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores en la proximidad del Boulevard Kuwait, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 2341942, +504 2341962, +504 2345411 Fax: +504 2341678 |
Honduran Civil Aviation Agency (AHAC) |
Agencia Hondureña de Aeronáutica Civil (AHAC) Boulevard Comunidad Economica Europea, contiguo al correo Nacional, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22340263 |
Centre for Studies and the Control of Contaminants (CESCCO) |
Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes (CESCCO) Edificio CESCCO, Barrio Morazan, Frente a Central de Bomberos, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 2390194, +504 2311006, +504 2326317 Fax: +504 2390954 |
Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS) - Honduras
National Service for Agricultural Health (SENASA) assigned to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock |
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (SENASA) de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) Boulevard Miraflores, Avenida La FAO, Colonia Loma Linda Sur, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22326213, +504 22397089, +504 22397067 Fax: +504 22310786 |
Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources, the Environment and Mines |
Secretaría de Energía, Recursos Naturales, Ambiente y Minas 100 metros al sur del Estadio Nacional, HN-Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22321386, +504 2322011, +504 2394298, +504 22398161, +504 32193635 |
Contacts for public procurement - Honduras
HonduCompras Secretaría General de Coordinación de Gobierno, Centro Cívico Gubernamental |
Bulevar Fuerzas Armadas, contiguo a Chiminike, Tegucigalpa MDC, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 2230 7000 E-mail: |
State Procurement Agency (ONCAE) |
Oficina Normativa de Contratación and Adquisiciones (ONCAE) Centro Cívico Gubernamental Bulevar Fuerzas Armadas, contiguo a Chiminike, Tegucigalpa MDC, HONDURAS Tel.: +504 22306562, +504 22305268, +504 22308203 |
National Institutions - Nicaragua
Central Bank of Nicaragua |
Banco Central de Nicaragua Km. 7 carretera sur, 100 metros al este Pista Juan Pablo II, Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 2255-7171 Fax: +505 22650495 E-mail: Website: |
Nicaraguan Customs Authority (DGA) |
Dirección General de Servicios Aduaneros (DGA) 10MA Avenida Norte Poniente, 29030, Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22482642, +505 22495699, +505 22494259, +505 22483418, +505 86411074 |
Representations, chambers of commerce, business associations - Nicaragua
Delegation of the European Union to Nicaragua and to the Central American Integration System (SICA) |
Del Colegio Teresiano 1 C Este, Apartado Postal 2654, Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22704499 Fax: +505 22809569 E-mail: |
Nicaraguan Embassy in Belgium |
Wolvendaellaan 55, Uccle, 1180 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2 375 65 00, +32 2 375 64 34 Fax: +32 2 375 71 88 E-mail: |
National Free Trade Zone Commission (CNZF) |
Zona Franca Industrial Las Mercedes, km 12 ½ Carretera Norte, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22631530 Fax: +505 22334144 |
General Directorate of Customs Services (DGA) assigned to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (MHCP) |
Dirección General de Servicios Aduaneros (DGA) del Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público (MHCP) km 4 ½ Carretera Norte, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 2482642, +505 2495699, +505 2494259, +505 2493418, +505 2482643, +505 2495693, +505 2482736, +505 2485728 |
Central American Bank of Economic Integration (CABEI) |
Edificio Sede, Bulevar Suyapa, Apartado Postal 772, HN-Tegucigalpa, NICARAGUA Tel.: +504 2402243 Fax: +504 2402185 |
EU4Business |
De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2749 1851 E-mail: |
Contacts for technical requirements - Nicaragua
Directorate for Normalization and Metrology (DNM) under the Ministry of Promotion, Industry and Trade (MIFIC) |
Dirección de Normalización y Metrología (DNM) bajo el Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio (MIFIC) km 6 Carretera a Masaya, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22489300, ext 2276 Fax: +505 22489300, ext 2228 |
Interinstitutional Commission for the Application of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Storage and Use of Chemical Weapons and their Destruction under the Ministry of Defence |
Comisión Interinstitucional para la Aplicación de la Convención sobre la Prohibición del Desarrollo, la Producción, el Almacenamiento y el Empleo de Armas Químicas y sobre su Destrucción bajo el Ministerio de Defensa Casa Ricardo Morales Avilés, De los semáforos del Redentor 4 cuadras arriba, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 2285001, +505 2855003 Fax: +505 2286960 |
Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC) |
Instituto Nicaragüense de Aeronáutica Civil (INAC) km 11 ½, Carretera Norte 6, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22768580, +505 22768586 Fax: +505 22768588 |
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI) |
Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura (MTI) Frente al Estadio Nacional de Denis Martínez, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22225111, +505 22225955, +505 22225109, +505 22222785, +505 22227515 |
General Directorate for Environmental Quality assigned to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) |
Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental del Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA) km 12 ½ Carretera Norte Panamericana, Frente a Corporación de Zonas Francas, Apartado Postal 5123, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22331112, +505 22631994, +505 22331916 Fax: +505 22631274 |
Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS) - Nicaragua
Institute for Agricultural Protection and Health (IPSA) |
Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria (IPSA) km 5 ½ Carretera Norte, contiguo a ENACAL, Pista Portezuelo, NI-12066 Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22783418, +505 22981330, +505 22981331, +505 22981349 |
Area for Seed Certification, Seeds Department, Directorate for Plant and Seed Health, Institute for Agricultural Protection and Health |
Sección de Certificación de Semillas, Departamento de Semillas, Dirección de Sanidad Vegetal y Semillas, Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria (IPSA) km 5 ½ Carretera Norte, contiguo a ENACAL, Pista Portezuelo, NI-12066 Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22783418, +50522981330, +50522981331, +50522981349 |
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) |
Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA) km 12 ½ Carretera Norte Panamericana, Frente a Corporación de Zonas Francas, Apartado Postal 5123, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22331112, +505 22631994, +505 22331916 Fax: +505 22631274 |
Directorate for Revision, Evaluation and Registration under the National Commission for the Registration and Control of Toxic Substances |
Dirección de Revisión, Evaluación y Registro bajo la Comisión Nacional de Registro y Control de Sustancias Tóxicas Costado sur Asamblea Nacional, NI-Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 22282002, ext 11 or 12 |
Contacts for public procurement - Nicaragua
Tel.: +505 22441290, +505 22492795, +505 22494752, +505 22494753 Web: E-mail:, |
Ministry of Finance Procurement Office
Dirección General de Contrataciones del Estado, Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público 3a Calle S.E, Managua, NICARAGUA Tel.: +505 2222-7231 |
National institutions - Panama
National Bank of Panama |
Banco Nacional de Panamá Vía España y Calle 55, Casa Matriz, PA-Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5052612 |
Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations - Panama
Delegation of the European Union to Panama |
Bella Vista, Calle 53 Marbella, World Trade Center, floor 14, Panama City, PANAMA Tel.: +507 2653223 Fax: +507 2653239 E-mail: |
Embassy of Panama to the Kingdom of Belgium, Grand- Duchy of Luxembourg and Mission to the European Union |
Avenue Louise 475, 1050 Ixelles, Brussels, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2 649 0729 Fax: +32 2 648 9216 E-mail: Website: |
General Directorate of Free Zones under the National Directorate of Investment Promotion, Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade and Industries (MICI) |
Dirección General de Zonas Francas, Dirección Nacional de Promoción de Inversiones, Viceministerio de Comercio Exterior, Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias (MICI) Edificio Plaza Edison, Sector El Paical, Piso 3, PA-Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5600600, +507 5600686 |
EU4Business |
De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2749 1851 E-mail: |
Contacts for technical requirements - Panama
Ministry of Health (MINSA) |
Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) Antiguo Hospital Gorgas, Edificio No. 261, Planta Baja, Corregimiento de Ancón, PA-Distrito de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5129100, +507 5129265, +507 5234946 |
Section for Hazardous Waste and Chemical Substances, Sub-department for Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) |
Sección de Desechos Peligrosos y Sustancias Químicas, Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) Antiguo Hospital Gorgas, Corregiento de Ancón, PA-Distrito de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5129131, +507 5129200 Fax: +507 5129353 |
Section for Environmental Health and Non-Hazardous Waste, Sub-department for Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) |
Sección de Saneamiento Ambiental y Residuos No Peligrosos, Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) Antiguo Hospital Gorgas, Corregiento de Ancón, PA-Distrito de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5129131, +507 5129200 Fax: +507 5129353 |
Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS) - Panama
National Directorate of Animal Health, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) |
Dirección Nacional de Salud Animal, Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (MIDA) Apartado Postal 0816-01611, Zona 5, PA-Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 2662303, +507 2660323 |
Section for Pest Risk Analysis and Phytosanitary Requirements, National Directorate of Plant Health (DNSV), Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) |
Sección de Análisis de Riesgo de Plagas y Requisitos Fitosanitarios, Dirección Nacional de Sanidad Vegetal (DNSV), Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (MIDA) Río Tapia, Tocumén, Apartado Postal 0816-01611, Zona 5, PA-Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 2200733, +507 2207979 Fax: +507 2207979, +507 2207981 |
National Directorate of Plant Health (DNSV), Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) |
Dirección Nacional de Sanidad Vegetal (DNSV), Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (MIDA) Río Tapia, Tocumén, Apartado Postal 0816-01611, Zona 5, PA-Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 2200733, +507 2207979 Fax: +507 2207979, +507 2207981 |
Department of Biodiversity and Wildlife under the Ministry of Environment |
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Vida Silvestre, Ministerio de Ambiente, Sede Principal Edificio 804, Apartado Ancón, Calle Broberg, PA-Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5000822, +507 5000855, ext 6877 Fax: +507 5000839 |
Section for Hazardous Waste and Chemical Substances, Sub-department for Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) |
Sección de Desechos Peligrosos y Sustancias Químicas, Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) Antiguo Hospital Gorgas, Corregiento de Ancón, PA-Distrito de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5129131, +507 5129200 Fax: +507 5129353 |
Contacts for public procurement - Panama
Panama-Compra |
Tel.: +507 5151555 |
National Procurement Office (DGCP)
Direccion General de Contrataciones Publicas (DGCP) Avenida Samuel Lewis y Calle Gerardo Ortega, PH. Edificio Central, Piso 1, PA-Distrito de Panamá, PANAMA Tel.: +507 5151511, +507 5151510 E-mail: Web: |
Costa Rica
National Institutions - Costa Rica
Central Bank of Costa Rica |
Banco Central de Costa Rica Av. central y 1, calles 2 y 4, San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22433333 |
Costa Rican Customs Office |
Dirección General de Aduanas Edificio, La Llacuna, Avenida Central, San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 25229390 Fax: +506 25229426 |
General Directorate for Taxation, Ministry of Finance |
Dirección General de Tributación, Ministerio de Hacienda Barrio Don Bosco, Paseo Colón, Calle 26, Avenidas 6 y 8, Edificio Centro Corporativo Internacional, Torre B, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 25470000, +506 25470001 |
National Register |
Registro Nacional Curridabat, Apartado Postal 523-2010, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22020800, +506 22020777 |
Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations - Costa Rica
Delegation of the European Union to Costa Rica |
Ofiplaza del Este, Edificio D-Tercer piso, 50 metros oeste Rotonda de la Bandera, 11501 San José, Apdo. 836-1007, San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22832959 Fax: +506 22832960 E-mail: |
Embassy of Costa Rica to the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and Mission to the European Union |
489 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 26405541 Fax: +32 26483192 E-mail: |
Foreign Trade Corporation of Costa Rica (PROCOMER) |
Promotora del Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (PROCOMER) Edificio Centro de Comercio Exterior, Avenida 3a, Calle 40, Apartado Postal 1278-1007, Paseo Colón, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22994700, 800 77626637 Fax: +506 22335755 |
Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE), General Customs Directorate (DGA) |
Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior (VUCE) Del Ice de Sabana Norte, 100 mts Oeste, 100 mts Norte y 50 mts Oeste, San José, Costa Rica Tel.: +506 2505 4811 |
EU4Business |
De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2749 1851 E-mail: |
Contacts for technical requirements - Costa Rica
Costa Rican Institute for Technical Standards (INTECO) |
Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica (INTECO) 400 metros norte de Muñoz y Nanne, Contiguo al Laboratorio de Materiales de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Apartado Postal 10004-1000, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22834522 Fax: +506 22834831 |
Ministry of Health |
Ministerio de Salud Avenidas 6 y 8, Calle 16, Apartado Postal 10123-1000, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22230333, ext 327 or 329, +506 22336922 Fax: + 506 22577827 |
Department of Control of Arms and Explosives under the General Directorate of Armaments assigned to the Ministry of Public Security |
Departamento de Control de Armas y Explosivos bajo la Dirección General de Armamento del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública Carrera Vieja a Escazú, en la esquina de la Calle 60, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 25864500 |
Directorate of Environmental Quality Management (DIGECA) assigned to the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) |
Dirección de Gestión de Calidad Ambiental (DIGECA), Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE) Avenida 18, Calles 9 y 9 bis, No. 935 costado norte del Liceo de Costa Rica, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22583272, +506 22571839, +506 22532596 Fax: +506 22582820 |
Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS) - Costa Rica
National Service of Animal Health (SENASA), Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MAG) |
Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal (SENASA), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) Barreal de Heredia Costa Rica de Jardines del Recuerdo 1km al oeste y 400 al norte en el campus universitario Benjamin Nuñez, Apartado Postal 3-3006, CR-Cenada, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22608300, +506 25871600 Fax: +506 22608301 |
National Phytosanitary Service (SFE), Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MAG) |
Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado (SFE), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) Sabana Sur, 200 metros Sur de Teletica Canal 7, en el campus del MAG en el antiguo edificio del Colegio La Salle, Apartado Postal 1521-1200, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 25493400 Fax: +506 25493599 |
Unit for Living Modified Organisms of the Department of Biotechnology under the National Phytosanitary Service (SFE), Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MAG) |
Unidad de Organismos Vivos Modificados, Departamento de Biotecnología, Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado (SFE), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) Sabana Sur, 200 metros Sur de Teletica Canal 7, en el campus del MAG en el antiguo edificio del Colegio La Salle, Apartado Postal 1521-1200, CR-San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 25492522, +506 25493522 Fax: +506 25493599 |
Contacts for public procurement - Costa Rica
Sistema Integrado de Compras Públicas (SICOP) |
Gobierno Digital
Edificio Interbolsa (Carretera Interamericana), 10108 Mata Redonda, San José, COSTA RICA Tel.: +506 22561500 E-mail: |
El Salvador
National Institutions - El Salvador
Central American Bank of Economic Integration (BCIE) |
Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) Calle La Reforma No.130, Colonia San Benito, San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22676100 Fax: +503 22676130 |
General Customs Directorate (DGA) |
Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA) Ministerio de Hacienda, Pan-American Highway Km. 11.5, San Bartolo, Ilopango, San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22445000, +503 22443000 Fax: +503 22447201 |
Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations - El Salvador
Delegation of the European Union to El Salvador |
Calle Cortez Blanco Poniente y Calle Holcim #2, Urbanización Madreselva, Antiguo Cuscatlán, Apartado Postal 01 298, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22432424 Fax: +503 22432525 E-mail: |
El Salvadoran Embassy in Belgium |
Tervurenlaan 171, Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, 1150 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2 733 04 85, +32 2 735 32 66 Fax: +32 2 732 65 74 E-mail: |
Ministry of Finance |
Ministerio de Hacienda Boulevard de los Héroes No. 1231, Edificio Ministerio de Hacienda, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22443000, +503 22373000 |
Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE), Import and Export Processing Centre of the Central Reserve Bank |
Ventanilla Única de Importaciones (VUCE), Centro de Trámites de Importaciones y Exportaciones (CIEX), Banco Central de Reserva (BCR) de El Salvador Alameda Juan Pablo II, entre 15 y 17 Avenida Norte, Apartado Postal 106, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22818085, +503 22818539, +503 22818131, +503 22818089, +503 22818754, +503 22818514 Fax: +503 22818086 |
EU4Business |
De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2749 1851 E-mail: |
Contacts for technical requirements - El Salvador
National Quality Council (CNC) |
Consejo Nacional de Calidad Boulevard San Bartolo y Calle Lempa, costado norte de INSAFORP, Ilopango, San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 25905300 |
Ministry of National Defence (MDN) |
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional (MDN) Avenida Manuel Enrique Araujo, Kilómetro 5 ½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22500100, +503 22500134 |
Directorate of Hydrocarbons and Mines (DHM), Ministry of Economy (MINEC) |
Dirección de Hidrocarburos y Minas (DHM) Ministerio de Economía (MINEC), Alameda Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe, Edificio C1, Centro de Gobierno, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 25905200, +503 25905210, +503 25905221
Civil Aviation Authority (AAC) |
Autoridad de Aviación Civil (AAC) Kilómetro 9 ½, Boulevard de Ejercito Nacional Frente al Aeropuerto Internacional de Ilopango, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 25654400, +503 25654553 |
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) |
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN) Kilómetro 5 ½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN No. 2, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 21326276 Fax: +503 21329429 |
Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS) - El Salvador
Division for Veterinary Services, General Livestock Directorate (DGG), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) |
División de Servicios Veterinarios, Dirección General de Ganadería (DGG), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) Cantón El Matazano, Soyapango, Apartado Postal 554, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22020879, +503 22101763 |
General Plant Health Directorate (DGSV), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) |
Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal (DGSV), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) Final 1a Avenida Norte, 13 Calle Oriente y Avenida Manuel Gallardo, Departamento de La Libertad, SV-Santa Tecla, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 22101747, +503 22101700 Fax: +503 22101920 |
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) |
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN) Kilómetro 5 ½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN No. 2, SV-San Salvador, EL SALVADOR Tel.: +503 21329407, +503 21329697 Fax: +503 22679317, +503 22679326 |
Contacts for public procurement - El Salvador
CompraSal |
Tel.: +503 22443171 E-mail: |
Public Procurement National Directorate |
Dirección Nacional de Compras Públicas 73 Avenida Norte No.330, Zona Dos, Colonia Escalón, San Salvador, departamento de San Salvador Tel.: +503 2522-9600 |
National Institutions - Guatemala
Central Bank of Guatemala |
Banco de Guatemala 7a. Av. 22-01, zona 1, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24296000, +502 24856000, +502 23906000, +502 23072200 Fax: +502 24296086, +502 24856041 |
Representations, chambers of commerce and business associations - Guatemala
Delegation of the European Union to Guatemala |
Edificio Europlaza, 5ta. Avenida 5-55 zona 14 Torre II, Nivel 17, Guatemala City C.A., GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 23005900 Fax: +502 23005900 E-mail: |
Guatemalan Embassy in Belgium |
185 Avenue Winston Churchill, Uccle, 1180 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2 345 90 47, +32 2 345 90 58 Fax: +32 2 344 64 99 E-mail:, |
EU4Business |
De Kleetlaan 2, B-1831 Diegem, BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2749 1851 E-mail: |
Contacts for technical requirements - Guatemala
Guatemalan Standards Commission (COGUANOR) |
Comisión Guatemalteca de Normas (COGUANOR) Calzada Atanasio Tzul 27-32, Zona 12, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 22472654 Fax: +502 22472687 |
National Authority of Guatemala for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (ANGPAQ), Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Autoridad Nacional de Guatemala para la Prohibición de las Armas Químicas (ANGPAQ), Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores 2a Avenida, 4-17 zona 10, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24100000 Fax: +502 23321172, +502 24100011 |
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) |
Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN) 20 Calle 28-58 Zona 10, Edificio MARN, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24230500, +502 24232408 |
Ministry of Economy |
Ministerio de Economía 8a Avenida 10-43, Zona 1, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24120200 |
Contacts for Sanitary/Phytosanitary Requirements (SPS) - Guatemala
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA) |
Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA) 7a Avenida 12-90, Zona 13, Edificio Anexo Monja Blanca, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24137000 |
Department of Epidemiological Surveillance and Risk Analysis of the Plant Health Directorate of the Vice Ministry of Agricultural Health and Regulations under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA) |
Departamento de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y Análisis de Riesgo de la Dirección de Sanidad Vegetal del Viceministerio de Sanidad Agropecuaria y Regulaciones bajo el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA) 7a Avenida 12-90, Zona 13, Edificio Anexo Monja Blanca, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24137000, +502 24137418, +502 24137420, +502 24137503 |
Norms and Regulations Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA) |
Unidad de Normas y Regulaciones, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA) 7a Avenida 12-90, Zona 13, Edificio Anexo Monja Blanca, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24137000 |
National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP) |
Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (CONAP) 5a Avenida 6-06, Zona 1, Edificio IPM, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24226700 Fax: +502 22534141 |
Department for the Registration of Agricultural Materials of the Plant Health Directorate of the Vice Ministry of Agricultural Health and Regulations under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA) |
Departamento de Registro de Insumos Agrícolas de la Dirección de Sanidad Vegetal del Viceministerio de Sanidad Agropecuaria y Regulaciones bajo el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA) 7a Avenida 12-90, Zona 13, Edificio Anexo Monja Blanca, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 24137000, +502 24137418, +502 24137420, +502 24137503 |
Contacts for public procurement - Guatemala
Tel.: +502 23742872 E-mail: |
General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGAE) |
Dirección General de Adquisiciones del Estado (DGAE) Edificio Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas 2° Nivel, Dirección General de Adquisiciones del Estado, Centro Cívico, GT-Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA Tel.: +502 23742872 |
Further links
- the EU is present on the ground in Central America with Delegations in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaraguaand Panama
- find an overview of EU-Central America trade relations
- trade relations are part of the EU's overall political and economic relations with Central America
- Central America is one of the most integrated regions of the world, progressing towards a customs union and with elaborated potential integration mechanisms
- search for the stories of export businesses that have already benefitted from the EU-Central America Association Agreement