Binding Origin Information
If you are unsure about the origin of your goods or simply want legal certainty, you may apply for Binding Origin Information.
Binding Origin Information (BOI) relates to a written decision that certifies the origin of your goods, and it is binding in the European Union.
BOI decisions are binding on the holder and on the EU customs authorities. They are normally valid for three years from the date of issue.
How and where to apply for a BOI decision?
Applications should be made in writing to the competent authorities in the EU country in which a company is established or where it intends to use the BOI. You must make sure that the description of the goods in the Binding Origin Information is identical to the goods that you are exporting or importing.
The authorities have 120 days from the date they registered your application to take a decision.
Note that the existence of Binding Origin Information does not exempt you from the requirement to provide proof of origin.
More information
- see further Guidance on Binding Origin Information
- list of authorities responsible for issuing Binding Origin Information in each of the EU member States (published in OJ C431 of 14 November 2022, page 5)
- look up further information and details on customs on the website of DG Taxation and Customs Union