Authorised Economic Operator

Traders established in the customs territory of the Union who is part of the international supply chain and is involved in customs-related operations, may apply for the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status.

Who can become an AEO? 

Economic operators in the customs territory of the Union who are part of the international supply chain and who are involved in customs related activities, may apply for the authorisation as an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO).

What is it?

  • It is an authorisation for economic operators aiming at enhancing the security of international supply chains and facilitating legitimate trade.
  • It is based on the customs-to-business partnership established by the World Customs Organisation (WCO).
  • The AEO authorisation is granted by the competent customs authority and is recognised by customs authorities in all Member States. The AEO authorisation therefore is an EU authorisation.

Why register?

The benefits include:

  • easier admittance to customs simplifications;
  • fewer physical and document-based controls;
  • prior notification in case of selection for customs control;
  • priority treatment if selected for customs control;
  • possibility to request a specific place for customs controls;
  • indirect benefits, such as:
    • recognition as a safe and secure business partner;
    • improved relations with customs and other government authorities;
    • reduced theft and losses;
    • fewer delayed shipments;
    • improved planning;
    • improved customer service;
    • improved customer loyalty;
    • lower inspection costs of suppliers and increased collaboration.

How to obtain the authorisation?

To become an Authorised Economic Operator, you must:

  • ensure that you have an EORI number from the customs authority of the EU country where your business is established.
  • apply to the competent customs authority where your main customs accounts are accessible.
  • submit your application online through the EU Trader Portal.

For more information on AEO and the EU Trader Portal, see the website of DG Taxation and Customs Union.

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